Be Sweet to Others Day

Be Sweet to Others Day
(Primary Class Parties)

Each grade level has chosen a Service Project (listed below) tied to current, past or future grade level planners. On Feb. 14th they will celebrate the conclusion of the project and discuss how they have participated in action and service. On the 14th they will be able to bring valentines for their friends, and they will get a "sweet treat" per their classroom teacher, but we will do this instead of the traditional party. Party days such as the one before winter break result in a full day loss of instruction and our visit will take place that week so that is not an option. In addition, we noted that in the parent surveys last fall, several parents asked about having more service projects in the Primary Program. Although these generally begin in middle school, based on primary students having learned about "Action," this will be a great way for them to move their discussions from action to service. An overview of the projects are below:

Kindergarten is planning for all kindergarten students to write and decorate cards for a local nursing home.  The cards will be delivered on Monday February 13th.  We will be taking pictures and sharing them on Tuesday February 14th.

First grade students are being sweet to others by sharing their love of reading! They are partnering with the Round Rock and Georgetown Libraries and making bookmarks for their patrons. They will deliver the bookmarks to the libraries on Saturday, February 11th and on Tuesday will reflect on the impact of the action.

Second grade students are learning to write friendly letters. Each student will write a message of encouragement to a child receiving treatment at Dell Children's Hospital. They are asking families to donate a coloring/activity book with a box of crayons or markers. These will be wrapped together with ribbon and donated to brighten the day of these children. 

Third graders will be making blankets to donate to Project Linus. Project Linus donates blankets to bring warmth, comfort, and security to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. They will have a "Make-a-Blanket" Day next week to prepare as many blankets as they can and Project Linus will be on hand to receive them

Fourth grade will be building a "birthday box" - an entire birthday party in a box for a child who is currently living in a shelter. The fourth grade students will be creating cards to put inside the box and a gift will be given as well.  The fourth grade team will personally deliver the birthday box to the shelter.

Fifth graders will be participating in a walk for water to simulate the struggle millions of women and children endure each day to obtain clean water. They will be accepting donations for drops of grace, a local Round Rock organization that provides water wells and other relief for impoverished citizens around the world.

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