Nurse's Office » Health Screenings

Health Screenings


Vision & Hearing

Who: 4-years-old by September 1, Kindergartners, any other first-time entrants
(4 years* through 12th grade)
When: Within 120 days of admission
Who: 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th graders
When: Anytime within the school year (preferably within first semester)

Type 2 Diabetes (Acanthosis Nigricans)

Acanthosis Nigricans (AN) is a skin discoloration that may indicate high levels of insulin in the blood which results from insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can create a potential risk for the development of Type 2 Diabetes.
Who is screened: Students in grades 1, 3, 5 and 7
When: At the time of the Vision and Hearing test. Throughout the school year.

Scoliosis (spinal screening)

Spinal screening is designed to detect unnatural curvatures of the spine.

Who: Girls will be screened two times, once at age 10 and again at age 12. Boys will be screened one time at age 13 or 14.

When: Spinal Screenings will take place throughout the school year.

Screening Exemptions

A student is exempt from screening if it conflicts with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination of which the student is an adherent or a member. The minor student’s parent, managing conservator, or guardian must submit an affidavit stating the objections to screening. This affidavit shall be submitted to the school nurse on or before the day of the screening procedure each year the screening is performed.

The school nurse will submit an annual report of the screening results to the Health Services Director. Results are submitted to the Texas Department of State & Health Services annually.