Athletics Town Hall Webinar

Athletics Town Hall Webinar
9/10/2020, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

For students in 7th-12th grades and parents/guardians of 7th-12th grade students.

Webinar ID: 897 5798 8420

Passcode: 669565


  1. Introductions & Roles

  2. How decisions are being made this year

  3. Fall Sports overviews

    1. Fall Cross Country

    2. Fall Dance

    3. Fall Swimming

    4. Fall Tennis

    5. Volleyball

  4. Winter & Spring Sports overviews

    1. Basketball

    2. Soccer

    3. Spring Cross Country

    4. Spring Swimming

    5. Spring Dance

    6. Spring Tennis

    7. Baseball

  5. FAQs

  6. Q&A…

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