Café » Café Menu

Café Menu

breakfast     Lunch      Grab & Go       

At Meridian School, we believe that a healthy diet positively impacts academic achievement.

Since good nutrition is an essential part of learning and leading a balanced life, Meridian School will actively work to ensure meals served in the school cafeteria meet or exceed health guidelines for all students. The cafeteria will not serve or provide access for students to Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value as defined by the US Department of Agriculture and the Texas Department of Agriculture.
Meridian School operates under the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program. Meridian School is an Equal Opportunity Provider


Meridian Café meal options and pricing

Meal Pricing

Breakfast prices: Paid: $2.75, Reduced: $0.00, Free: $0.00, Adults $3.75

**Breakfast will be provided free of charge to Reduced Price Application Families for the next two years.

Lunch prices: Paid: $4.75, Reduced: $0.40, Free: $0.00, Adults $6.00

Secondary Grab n Go prices: Paid $4.25, Reduced $0.40, Free $0.00, Adults $5.00

Grab n Go items could be salad/with protein, hummus plate, or sandwiches. The additional fruit and veggies for free are available to the grab n gos as well.


À La Carte Items

All students may purchase an additional entree. $3.00, extra pizza, burger, nachos, etc


Primary can buy one of each à la Carte  item per day: 

Juice $0.75 and/or Bread Bakery item $1.25

Bakery items could be cornbread star, whole grain muffin, or oatmeal bar. We have one option each day.

Secondary à la Carte price range: 

$0.75 ( juice) up to $2.75 (Parfait)

À La Carte items might include, IZZE drinks, chips, bars, juice, yogurt parfaits, hummus.

All students and staff members wishing to purchase à la Carte items such as a yogurt parfait, juice, or extra entrees must have positive funding on their accounts

These items are not considered complete meals and do not qualify for Free and Reduced Meal status. Your meal account will be charged for each individual item selected. If you choose for your student to not be allowed to purchase à la Carte items, please email [email protected]. We can also set daily limits such as "one item per day."