Shawna Wolbrueck » Shawna Wolbrueck

Shawna Wolbrueck

Shawna Wolbrueck joined Meridian in the fall of 2016 as a substitute teach and substitute nurse. In October of 2017, a long term sub was needed in Meridian’s life skills classroom, and as an Instructional Assistant, Shawna moved into that role. In January 2018, she began her full-time employment there. As of the fall of 2018, Mrs. Wolbrueck has taken on the role of an Instructional Assistant with the high school students.


Having lived in Texas since 2000 and moved to Williamson County in 2005, she has seen many changes in education. She has two daughters, one recent Meridian graduate (2018) and one who is a junior. The IB curriculum, although challenging, has many benefits, and she wants to see each child reach their full potential.