Nurse's Office » Standing Orders

Standing Orders

Meridian World School Standing Orders (2023-2024)

The following items may be used in the school clinics under the supervision of licensed personnel:

Narcan: Administer nasal Naloxone/Narcan 4mg to a person suspected of an opiod overdose with respiratory depression or unresponsiveness.

Benadryl: Allergic Reactions, administer tabs, caps, or liquid according to an age/ weight appropriate dose; less than 6 years of age, 6.25 - 12.5mg po.

Epinephrine: Severe allergic reactions/anaphylaxis without order, Administer Designated Epinephrine on campus. Administer EPI first, call 911, and then parents. Administer stock Epi/Auvi-Q as follows, 0.15mg auto-injector for wt=/< 70lbs – 0.30 mg auto-injector for wt=/>70lbs.

Glucose Gel/Tabs: Administer for Insulin Reactions (15 Grams) per individual diabetic protocol.

Tylenol/Ibuprofen: Age appropriate dose (parent verbal permission preferred) for temp over 102 orally.

Aspirin: Signs of Adult Heart Attack, 81mg chew 4 tabs and call 911.

Salt: Mixed with water to produce a solution for gargling for sore throat.

Cough Drop/Throat Lozenge: For sore throat or cough.

Calamine or Caladryl Lotion: Topical Application to minor stings, insect bites, and rashes. Itch.

Hydrocortisone: Relief Cream/Gel Topical application to minor insect bites, stings, or rash.

Lip Ointment/Orajel: Topical application to chapped lips, fever blisters, cold sores, sore gums.

Normal Saline Solution/Eye Wash: Irrigating solution for eyes and skin.

Petroleum Jelly: Apply to chapped skin or lips.

Solarcaine/Aloe Gel: Apply to sunburn, topical to minor skin burns.

Antimicrobial Cleaner: Topical Application to cleanse minor cuts and abrasions.

Neosporin/Antibiotic Ointment: Minor cuts and abrasions.

Cardiac AED’s on campus:  Staff Training and monthly checks.

Meridian World School Standing Orders (2023-2024) Physician-Signed copy