Primary Media Literacy » Media Literacy

Media Literacy

Welcome to Primary Media Literacy!  We began this class in the 2020-2021 school year to focus on integrating technology into our classes at Meridian and helping students learn valuable 21st century skills.  Our curriculum includes:
  • Technology and Learning Applications (Hardware and software)
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Research Skills
Our goal is to imbed technology into every students' PYP experience to fit the IB goal of helping students see the integration between learning technology, learning about technology, and learning through technology.
For more information about individual grade level expectations, click on your grade below:
In Kindergarten, we focus on learning about our school technology, including iPads and the apps that we use at school for learning.  Apps that we explore include Toddle, Starfall, Epic, and Reading Eggs.  We will also learn about the importance of being good digital citizens, including the need for media balance and how to stay safe online.
In First Grade, we continue to learn about properly using our school technology, including iPads and the apps that we use at school for learning.  We explore apps such as Toddle, Epic, and Starfall, as well as research websites such as PebbleGo.  We also learn about the importance of being good digital citizens, including the need for media balance and how to stay safe online.
In Second Grade, we transition to using Chromebooks and individual Google accounts.  Students learn to use Google apps, including Google Drive and Google Slides.  We also learn about the importance of being good digital citizens, including how to differentiate between private and personal information when sharing online and being mindful of our digital footprint.
In Third Grade, students continue to grow in their use of Google Slides to create more complex products.  We focus on research skills, such as finding reliable sources, paraphrasing information, and citing the sources we used.  We also learn about the importance of being good digital citizens, including how to stay safe online and how to respond to problems like cyberbullying.
In Fourth Grade, students focus on deepening their research skills when using online databases and online searches.  We will combine our research with technical skills in Google Slides and Google Docs to create more professional presentations.  In addition, students learn about digital citizenship issues like cyberbullying and establishing a digital footprint.
In Fifth Grade, students prepare for Exhibition, their PYP capstone project, by continuing to build research and presentation skills.  Students begin using a school email address and will learn about email etiquette and appropriate uses for email.  In addition, students learn about digital citizenship issues like cyberbullying and media balance.