Important: we're changing newsletter providers
Starting next week, Meridian's newsletters will switch from Constant Contact to Catapult Connect. Catapult is already our text messaging and emergency management platform. Update your Meridian contact information in your email and on your phone so that it doesn't get lost in spam/junk!
New email: [email protected] (newsletters, special events, and district information)
CatapultConnect text message: 96064 (event updates, emergency notifications, important updates)
Important: If you unsubscribe to emails or text messages, you will also no longer receive our emergency communications. You can opt back in here.
Save the Date: Back to School Nights
Join us on campus to meet your student's teachers, pick up car tags, shop at the Uniform Exchange, discover how you can support the school, and purchase spirit wear from RockSports!
- Primary 1, 3, 5 – Wednesday, July 31 from 4-7 p.m. (RSVP)
- Primary K, 2, 4 – Thursday, August 1 from 4-7 p.m. (RSVP)
- Secondary 6-8 – Monday, August 5 from 4-6 p.m.
- Secondary 9-12 – Monday, August 5 from 5-7 p.m.
Please note: The Uniform Exchange will only be at the Primary Back to School Nights.
We need Back to School Night volunteers! Please sign up to help.
Staff Appreciation Breakfast
Help Volunteers in Partnership (ViP) welcome back Meridian staff and teachers with their famous “back to school breakfast.” Please check the sign up to see how you can contribute.
ViP always has ways for families to be involved. Discover more ViP volunteer opportunities!
Uniforms and spirit wear
Check out the Uniform Guide if you have questions on what is allowed. Local vendor RockSports supplies spirit wear all year long. They will be at Back to School Nights with brand new and classic spirit wear. Secondary students: don’t forget to get a polo embroidered for Mondays.
Saturday, July 27 from 10 a.m. - noon
Shop at the Uniform Exchange for gently worn uniform pieces, spirit wear, College t-shirts and more! Each piece is just a $2 donation to ViP Teacher Grants. So stock up, save money, and support ViP and the school!
Want to shop at the Uniform Exchange early? Sign up to help with the Uniform Exchange Friday and/or Saturday. If you volunteered at least 20 hours last year, you may come at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday to shop early!
School supplies
Grades K-5: The deadline to order supplies has passed. If you missed the deadline, please email [email protected].
Primary volunteers needed. Please sign up to help sort and deliver boxes of primary school supplies to classrooms.
Grades 6-12: Purchase your supplies at any time. There's no one-stop online option like with primary because of secondary class choices. Grades 6-8 – Grades 9-10 – Grades 11-12
New, secondary laptops or devices: 6th and 7th graders must use a school-provided device in class. 8th-12th graders will need to bring their own device to school each day. Read more about Technology Requirements for 8-12.
Health reminders
If your student has any new immunizations or you are new to Meridian and you have not submitted immunization records during registration, please email [email protected]. Not sure if your student’s vaccination records are updated? Log into Skyward and click on the Heath tile.
Reminder for 7th grade: The State of Texas requires incoming 7th grade students to have their Tdap and Meningococcal vaccinations before the first day of school.
Sports physicals: Update your Athletics Physical forms this summer if you plan to play sports in 24-25.
Primary Fast Lane application due August 6
Vehicles picking up four or more students in the afternoons may apply for Fast Lane, which lines up on Meridian Lane off of the service road. Fill out the Fast Lane Application no later than August 6. If awarded a spot, you will receive a notification from [email protected].
Wondering about morning traffic? Any vehicle with three or more students may use the Green lane. Green lane is more lightly used and gives families plenty of time to unload. There is no need to register for the morning carline. Learn more about Carline.
Back to School Dates at-a-Glance
July 27: Uniform Exchange 10 a.m. - noon
July 29: Primary Cub Camp (new PYP families)
July 31: Primary (1, 3, 5) Back to School Night 4-7 p.m. (RSVP)
August 1: Primary (K, 2, 4) Back to School Night 4-7 p.m. (RSVP)
August 5: Secondary (6-8) Back to School Night 4-6 p.m.
August 5: Secondary (9-12) Back to School Night 5-7 p.m.
For more July and August dates, check out our events calendar.