Be Knowledgeable. Read carline maps and procedures.
Be Caring. Be mindful, kind, and patient with our staff, students, and other drivers.
Be Principled. Follow safety measures and rules. Don’t talk on the phone or text when in carline. Follow traffic laws.
Carline Quick Links
How do you get to your lane from off campus?
Arrival carline proceduresDismissal carline proceduresTriple A and After School 6-12 dismissal proceduresVisitor parking
Carline Resources
How do you get to your lane from off campus?
To get to Yellow, Green, and Orange Lanes 🟡 🟢 🟠

Drive south on Mays St. and turn right onto Meridian Ln. If you are coming from the highway or from the south, head north on the IH-35 service road, turn right on Paloma and then right on Mays St.
The Round Rock Police Department asks us to use Paloma during carline because of high traffic. Do not take Jeffrey during carline.
To get to Blue Lane 🔵
Drive north on Mays St. and turn left onto Meridian Ln. Oncoming southbound Mays traffic does not stop.
You cannot enter blue lane from the north. It is illegal to make a right turn directly into the Blue Lane from southbound Mays.
All lanes
Arrival carline procedures
Early Green Lane (recommended for grades 3+) from 7:20 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Primary (K-5) Carline is from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m.
Secondary (6-12) Carline is from 7:30 a.m. to 8:25 a.m.
Arrival Carline Lanes (See map)
Students in blue lane should exit from the driver's side and walk along the fence to the staffed crosswalk behind the drop off zone
Early pick-up
Dismissal carline procedures
Primary (K-5) Carline (See map)
Open the Pikmykid app to "announce" your arrival after you make a full stop at the Pikmykid stop signs.
Vehicles idling in carline earlier than 3 p.m. may be asked to leave campus as they block school day traffic. (In fact, you're welcome to time your arrival between 3:35 and 3:45! Carline moves fast.)
Secondary (6-12) Carline (See map)
Please do not arrive before 3:55 p.m. (1:25 p.m. Wednesday) You will block adults from picking up primary students and will be asked to drive around to enter carline again.
- Can't make it by 4:30? Register for After School 6-12!
Triple A and After School 6-12 dismissal procedures
Triple A, K-5 (See map)
Enter through the Yellow Car Lane 🟡
Park in a parking spot, announce through Pikmykid, and walk up to the primary entrance to stand in line with your child's car tag in hand.
Staff will look for your car tag and call your student out to meet you. It may take a few minutes as they walk from the playground or another areas.
If you need to delegate for After School pickup, the app will not support delegations for After School. Please email [email protected] with the delegate's name and dates they will pick up your student. Your delegate should then bring their ID and the car tag to the front entrance during pickup.
- Read on for more information about Triple A, including pick-up times.
After School 6-12 (See map)
Enter through the Yellow Car Lane 🟡
Pull into the student parking lot (the Mays building south lot near the café doors) and put your vehicle in park. Open the Pikmykid app and “announce” your child.
Staff will notify your child and your child will walk out to the car.
If you need to delegate for After School 6-12 pickup, the app will not support delegations.
If your Pikmykid app doesn’t work a Meridian car tag must be presented to us through the glass window of the Mays Café patio doors.
Pikmykid will not support delegations for After School. Delegates with a car tag may come to the Mays patio doors and present their car tag. What if my delegate doesn't have a car tag? Please email Lisa Powers by 3 p.m. that day with the delegate's name. Your delegate will need to come to the Mays Café patio doors and show us an ID that matches.
Read on for more information about After School 6-12.
Visitor parking
Ticket-able offenses
Please keep in mind the below are illegal and RRPD enforces them.
Crossing three lanes of traffic on IH-35 service road, from IH-35 u-turn, to get into the Fast Lane/Meridian Ln.
Crossing over round raised lane markers
Making a right turn off of Mays southbound into the Blue Lane
Turning right from Greenhill Dr. to make a left on Mays to get to Meridian
Making u-turns on Mays St.
Blocking the intersection between Mays St. and Old Settlers Blvd.