Theatre (After School) - "Meridian Mechs" » TeamApp for Meridian Mechs

TeamApp for Meridian Mechs

TeamApp logoStack TeamApp is useful to connect with your extracurricular activity instantly. They are also a great hub for calendars, links and other tools that are specific to your group.
1. Please download the free app "StackTeamApp"
If you do not have a mobile device, you can join TeamApp from your computer browser. You will not receive instant notifications. Instead, you will receive notifications through your email. This means you will need to check your email more frequently to stay in the loop. 
2. Click on the button below for the TeamApp for "The Scottish Play."
Find us on Stack Team App
Private chats
Private chats can be used to coordinate transportation. Private chats are a helpful method for students to communicate to their director that they will be late or miss a rehearsal.
How to start a private chat:
  1. Login to your TeamApp.
  2. Select "Chat."
  3. Then select the "+" symbol.
  4. Where you see "Please select an option" at the top, click there and select "Private Chat."
  5. Next, select your recipients. (Directors are Amy Crowl and Becca Fejardo.)
  6. Then enter your subject in the Topic area.
  7. Finally, type the body of your message and hit the red "Send" button.