Primary Music » WELCOME


Welcome to Music!

Welcome to Music!


I am super excited to introduce and explore the many components of music with students.


Music is a universal language that provides a platform that has the ability to unite us whilst gaining an appreciation for other cultures. As we navigate through a multicultural society music can provide a new perspective that allows each of us to embrace diversity with dignity and respect. This in turn will support students in becoming exceptional Global Citizens who lead others to be more open-minded.


During each grade's music lesson we will explore a variety of units of inquiry that develop transdisciplinary links with the central idea in their homeroom. Each unit will introduce new concepts and terminology that are applied creatively through composition and performance.


As we now live in a digital 21st Century it is crucial that the curriculum I deliver is both engaging and relevant to students. It is my fundamental belief that the traditional components of music can be taught through modern concepts, sometimes they may even be a little ‘out of the box’!


Most of all I strive to make the lessons engaging and fun!


My hope is that when students leave Elementary, they will have an appreciation of music that propels them to engage with music throughout their lives in whichever medium speaks to them!