Triple A: Arts, A la Carte, After School » Triple A - After School Daily Schedule (K-5)

Triple A - After School Daily Schedule (K-5)

Staff, activities, schedules and events are subject to change. For questions and comments, contact the Triple A Manager.

Group leaders greet students and take roll to update roster. (~20 minutes)
Group leaders facilitate outdoor/indoor play with the students. (~25 minutes)
Students are provided structured, safe, quality educational and recreational, art and social activities. For more information, review the Enrichment Activity Schedule. (~40 minutes on M, T, Th, F and ~120 minutes on Wednesdays)
Students have an opportunity to work quietly on interactive worksheets provided by Triple A staff, color, read, or do a silent table activity. Quiet time will also consist of read aloud, mindfulness activities, and opportunity to play board games such as chess.
Parents/guardians may specifically request for their student to work on homework during this time by contacting the Triple A Manager. However, no electronic devices may be used. (~25 minutes on M, T, Th, F and ~40 minutes on Wednesdays)
Group leaders will facilitate group hand washing and restroom breaks before and after eating and after outdoor play. Additional breaks may be given depending on group or individual need. Hand sanitizer will be used in combination with hand washing rather than to replace hand washing. (~30 minutes total)
Students will complete a quiet activity while waiting for parent/guardian pick up. (~30 minutes)
The Triple A Program is operated by Meridian School.