PYP Archive Spring 2025
PYP Pride Archive Spring 2025
Week of January 8, 2025
Happy Wednesday!
Dear Families,
I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break! As we dive into the new nine weeks, I want to share a few important updates.
Report Cards:
Report cards for the last nine weeks will be available to view this Friday. Please see the instructions below for accessing them.
Cooler Weather Reminder:
With the weather changing dramatically, please make sure your child comes to school with a jacket. To help us return any misplaced items, we kindly ask that you label all clothing and personal items with your child's name.
Also next Wednesday, January 15, is National Hat Day! Your student may wear a hat all day in primary!
Thank you for your continued support as we start this new chapter of learning and growth together!
Warm regards,
Melissa Reese,
PYP Principal

Save these dates 👀
5th grade: Transition to 6th grade Information Night Tuesday, January 14
All PYP: Principal’s Coffee January 23 at 8:30 a.m.
Reminder: If you are trying to remember how to report an absence, see here for details
PYP (K–5) Principal’s Coffee
You’re invited to join us on Thursday, January 23, at 8:30 a.m. for the Principal’s Coffee. Special guests this time include our DP Principal, Ms. Holcombe, who will share the benefits of the continuum through the DP programme, as well as our PYP counselors. We look forward to seeing you! RSVP to let us know you are planning to attend. We will also have a virtual option as well. The Google Meet link will be in the next newsletter.
Parking: First, drop your students off using carline; do not walk them in. Please park in the designated visitor parking spots on this map. Doors won’t open until 8:15 a.m. to give us time to clear the lobby for your arrival.
Primary report cards
Primary report cards will be published in Skyward on Friday! You can access the report cards using the following steps. This works best on a computer rather than a phone.
- Login to Skyward
- Under your child’s name, click on the tile called Portfolio.
- Click the download arrow next to 24-25 2nd Quarter Primary Report Card. It should be at the top of the list if your child was here 1st Quarter and should be the only file available if they are new to Meridian.
Festival of Cultures Grade Level Performances
Saturday, March 1
Our primary students have a special opportunity to perform at the Festival of Cultures! We would love for as many students to attend as possible to enjoy the festival and experience performing in a group. If your student would like to participate, please fill out this form (per student) by February 7. Please begin practicing the songs/dance (4th grade) at home. The form includes folder links where the music and lyrics can be found for your student’s grade level. Students are learning the songs during their music class, but they will also need to practice at home.
An opportunity to connect with Meridian Alumni & their parents
Alumni Day: Friday, January 10, 2025
Please RSVP by January 8
Every year, Meridian hosts an Alumni Day where alumni return to campus for visits to the high school classrooms, focus groups with current Meridian parents, and lunch with their former teachers.
Meridian parents/guardians are invited to join us for two dialogue sessions on Alumni Day. The purpose of these sessions is to provide a space for our alumni and their parents/guardians to share how the alumni have benefitted from the quality IB education they received at Meridian. We find that these interactions between our current parents and our alumni students/parents are always extremely beneficial and enjoyed by all.
Session 1 - 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: Meridian Alumni visit with current Meridian parents
Session 2 - 9:15 a.m. -10:00 a.m.: Parents of Alumni visit with current Meridian parents
Waiters Program: late pick up reminder/update
Families participating in the Waiters program should review these updates regarding late pick up and late fees. An email also went out this morning with details.
Week of January 15, 2025
Happy Wednesday!
Dear Families,
If your child is in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, we have STAAR interims beginning next week. These assessments are very important for us to see how we can better support your student before the state assessment later in the spring.
Make sure your student is well-rested, has a good breakfast, and has a positive start to the day to set them up for success! Reading is on January 21, Math is on January 30, and Science (5th grade only) is on February 5!
Have a great week and please remember that tardies are taken after 8:05 a.m. every morning. If our students are on time, they start their day in a positive way!
- Next Monday, January 20, there is no school in observance of MLK Day.
- Today, Jan. 15, the parking lot will be closed between 4 - 5 p.m. for the MLK March. Please park on the grass if you need to enter during this time. Triple A pick up will be paused.
Warm regards,
Melissa Reese,
PYP Principal

Founder & CEO Karalei Nunn gives her annual presentation to first graders on the history of Meridian School. The students asked great questions, demonstrating the International Baccalaureate's goal to encourage student curiosity and inquiry!
PYP (K–5) Principal’s Coffee
You’re invited to join us on Thursday, January 23, at 8:30 a.m. for the Principal’s Coffee. Special guests this time include our DP Principal, Ms. Holcombe, who will share the benefits of the continuum through the DP programme, as well as our PYP counselors. We look forward to seeing you! RSVP to let us know you are planning to attend. We will also have a virtual option as well. The Google Meet link will be in the next newsletter.
Parking: First, drop your students off using carline; do not walk them in. Please park in the designated visitor parking spots on this map. Doors won’t open until 8:15 a.m. to give us time to clear the lobby for your arrival.
Reminder: sign up for Festival of Cultures performances

Saturday, March 1
Our primary students have a special opportunity to perform at the Festival of Cultures! If your student would like to participate, please fill out this form (per student) by February 7.
IB Initiative: Learner Profile trait of Risk Taker
Over the next 10 weeks, our IB Initiative each week focuses on one of the learner profile traits.
Inquirers • Knowledgeable • Thinkers • Communicators • Principled
Open-Minded • Caring • Risk-takers • Balanced • Reflective
These traits are part of all IB programs and help us become internationally-minded individuals. On the announcements each week, we will share about the trait and then examine the lives of individuals past and present who exhibit the trait of the week to see what we can learn from their lives about what it looks like to demonstrate that trait.
To be a risk-taker, according to IB, means:
- we approach uncertainty with forethought and determination
- we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies
- we are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
What does a risk taker look like? This week, on the announcements, we are looking at the lives of groups of people like explorers, adventurers, and inventors to see what we can learn about what it looks like to be a risk taker. We will also think about how Martin Luther King, Jr showed the trait of risk-taker in his actions as well. We will see that risk takers try new things, new ideas, and new ways of doing things. They see challenges as opportunities and persevere through failures. Risk takers might take risks that seem dangerous but they do it with the knowledge needed to make it safer. They do the right thing even if it’s not the easy thing. All of the risk-takers we will look at wanted to make the world a better place, and they took risks to make it happen.
Find activities and book ideas on Meridian’s website to extend the discussion of what it means to be a risk-taker at home.
You can request consolidated statements by emailing [email protected]. It takes 3-5 days for processing.
Upcoming enrichment activities:
January 7 - 15: MLK - Students learn about the life of MLK Jr. and write speeches to commemorate the day.
January 16 - 22: Chinese New Year - Students learn about the history, traditions, and celebrations of The Chinese New Year.
January 23 - 29: Animal Planet - Students learn about different animals and their habitats.
January 30 - February 5: Black History Moments - Students learn about and celebrate the lives and contributions of African Americans.
We invite you to participate in Triple A's Annual Martin Luther King Jr. March. Together, we'll honor Dr. King's legacy as we march around the parking lot and unite in singing Lift Every Voice and Sing and Happy Birthday.Event Details:
January 15, 2025
Primary Lobby
4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
*There will be no pickup during this time so please plan accordingly. Students can be picked up prior to the event or after it’s over.
Week of January 22, 2025
Happy Wednesday!
Dear Families,
We hope this message finds you safe and cozy during the recent cold snap! We’re thrilled to share that last week’s MLK March was a huge success. Our students truly shined with their inspiring speeches, and the choir’s performance was absolutely phenomenal!
We’d also love for you to join us tomorrow morning for our PYP Principal’s Coffee. There’s even a virtual option for your convenience—details are below!
Warm regards,
Melissa Reese,
PYP Principal

Students in Triple A made beautiful signs for the MLK March, which was preceded by songs from the Black Culture Choir.
PYP (K–5) Principal’s Coffee tomorrow
Join us tomorrow January 23, at 8:30 a.m. for the Principal’s Coffee. Special guests include our DP Principal, Ms. Holcombe, who will share the benefits of the continuum through the DP programme, as well as our PYP counselors. We look forward to seeing you! RSVP to let us know you are planning to attend. Can't make it in person? Use this link to join the PYP Principal’s Coffee virtually!
Parking: If you plan to attend, please drop your students off using carline; do not walk them in. Then, please park in the designated visitor parking spots on this map. Doors open at 8:15 a.m. to give students time to get settled in class.
6th grade transition presentation and Math Track 2 Overview
Do you have questions about what to expect in Middle School? Did you miss the meeting or want a refresher? Take a look at the presentation from the 6th Grade Transition Information Night.
If your student is interested in pursuing Meridian’s Math Track 2 program, please read the information in the 5th grade Secondary Meridian Math Tracks and CBE Letter. This letter includes important information about registering for the Credit by Exam (CBE), exam dates, and a study guide.
Reminder: sign up for Festival of Cultures performances

Saturday, March 1
Our primary students have a special opportunity to perform at the Festival of Cultures! If your student would like to participate, please fill out this form (per student) by February 7.
Week of January 29, 2025
Happy Wednesday!
Dear Families,
We have some important information and event dates coming up! Please read all the information in the newsletter to see the details. Next Wednesday is the 5th grade Science Interim. Please make sure your student is present, has had a great breakfast, and a good night's sleep. The results of the Interims will help determine what extra support your student needs before the real thing!
Warm regards,
Melissa Reese,
PYP Principal

Students in Mrs. Carreon's kindergarten class enjoyed two collaborative sessions with their book buddies recently, including artwork honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a Lunar New Year coloring activity.
Update to Late Pick Up policy
We recently updated our policy regarding late pick ups. Please be advised that primary students picked up after 4:05 p.m. (MTTF) and 1:45 p.m. (W) will be considered a late pickup. They will be monitored in the primary front lobby until picked up. Late fees will start accruing in 5-minute increments and will be charged per student picked up late. *Special exceptions will be made at the discretion of the administration.*
Late Pick Up Fees will be invoiced/emailed via MySchoolBucks. Fees must be paid within two weeks and should be paid by MySchoolBucks.
If your family includes a secondary sibling, you are encouraged to join our waiters program. Our Triple A program is another option if there is an opening for your student. Both options have a fee.
Parent Child Dance
February 15, 2025
Attention parents of primary lions! Mark your calendars for our annual Parent-Child Dance. Join us for a night of activities like face painting, meet-and-greets with fairytale characters, music, and more! There are two time slots for different grades, so plan accordingly! Pricing will be per family. Buy tickets now.
PYP Principal’s Coffee Slides
Learn more about Social Emotional Development from our counselors (and see this age-by-age social development checklist!) Discover more about the IB Diploma Program from DP Principal Stela Holcombe! Both presented at the Coffee last week.
6th grade transition
Do you have questions about what to expect in Middle School? Take a look at the presentation from our earlier information night.
Math Track 2 Overview
While Meridian’s math program is accelerated by one year (Track 1) and is appropriate for the majority of our students, a two-year acceleration (Trak 2) is also offered for students who love the subject and demonstrate mastery of the concepts. If interested, please read the information in the 5th grade Secondary Meridian Math Tracks and CBE Letter.
Counselor’s Corner
The Region 13 Education Service Center has created a series of mindfulness video topics to help parents talk to their children about different social-emotional topics and recognize when there might be a problem that needs to be addressed with a professional counselor or therapist.
The next video in the series we would like to share is on boundaries.Watch the video to learn why setting boundaries for ourselves and others is so important. If you have any questions, please reach out! Dana Burks (K, 2, 4) or Heather Mossell (1, 3, 5).
IB Initiative: The Learner Trait of Reflective
Inquirers • Knowledgeable • Thinkers • Communicators • Principled
Open-Minded • Caring • Risk-takers • Balanced • Reflective
Our focus this week is the trait of being reflective. According to the IB Organization, reflective people thoughtfully consider the world and their own ideas and experience. They work to understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to support their learning and personal development. As you can tell from this definition, an internal reflection always has an external outcome.
This week is Holocaust Remembrance Week, so we’ve considered on the announcements how becoming knowledgeable about and reflecting on the past can help us do better in the future. Additionally, we are exploring how people like writers, mathematicians, and athletes are reflective in their practices. Friday is the 100th day of school, so we will be reflective about what we’ve accomplished in these 100 days and what we want to do with the remaining 80 days.
Find activities and book ideas on Meridian’s website to extend the discussion of what it means to be reflective at home.
Week of February 5, 2025
Happy Wednesday, Meridian Families!
This week, we are celebrating School Counselor Week, and I want to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for our incredible counselors: Dana Burks, Heather Mossell, and Nathan Tate.
Ms. Burks and Ms. Mossell joined the Meridian family this year and have done an amazing job supporting our students from day one. Mr. Tate, who has been part of our school for several years, continues to bring his dedication and expertise to our counseling team. Their compassion, commitment, and unwavering support for our students have made a meaningful impact, and we are truly grateful to have them. Please take a moment to share your appreciation with them!
Also, be on the lookout for details in your grade-level newsletter about our upcoming Be Sweet to Others Day on February 13. As a reminder, there will be no school for students on February 14 and 17.
Thank you for your continued support!
Melissa Reese,
PYP Principal

5th Grade Musical Instrument Trials
February 5 and 8
Fifth grade families, if you haven’t yet signed up for an instrument trial and would like to attend, please sign up for a Wednesday slot (Feb. 5) or a Saturday slot (Feb. 8).
Parent Child Dance
February 15, 2025
Attention parents of primary lions! Mark your calendars for our annual Parent-Child Dance. Join us for a night of activities like face painting, meet-and-greets with fairytale characters, music, and more! There are two time slots for different grades, so plan accordingly! Pricing will be per family. Buy tickets now.

Upcoming enrichment activities
February 6 - 12: Sustainability and Recycling - Students learn about different ways to live sustainably and ways to recycle responsibly.
February 13 - 19: Better Together - Students explore the meaning of equity and practice ways to understand empowerment and inclusion.
February 20: Discover Your Talents - Students show off their talents within their Triple A groups.
February 21: Talent Show - Students have the opportunity to show off their talents in the Triple A Talent Show. Parents and guardians are invited to this event.
Spots Available for Pro-Skills Sports!
We currently have openings for Pro-Skills Basketball (2nd-5th grade) and Pro-Skills Volleyball (2nd-5th grade). Visit our website for more details and to register today!
Week of February 12, 2025
Happy Wednesday!
Don't forget there is no school for students Friday and Monday.
Tomorrow is Be Sweet to Others Day – A Day of Service and Caring
At Meridian, we celebrate Be Sweet to Others Day as a meaningful way to spread kindness and give back to our community in place of a traditional Valentine’s Day focus. Each grade level participates in a special service project that helps make a difference:
🍎 Kindergarten – Creating items and cards for local Fire and Police Departments
🥫 1st Grade – Hosting a food drive for the Round Rock Serving Center
👕 2nd Grade – Collecting clothing and toys for The Caring Place
💌 3rd Grade – Writing heartfelt letters to loved ones
🐾 4th Grade – Making beds and toys for the Animal Shelter
🚰 5th Grade – Participating in a Walk for Water to raise awareness about water access
This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about empathy, generosity, and the impact of small acts of kindness. Thank you for supporting our students in this meaningful initiative! 💙
Melissa Reese,
PYP Principal

Thursday reminders
The Café Crew is offering a special treat tomorrow at lunch - red velvet white chocolate chip cookies! Students purchasing lunch will receive the cookie as part of their meal. Students bringing lunch from home may purchase a cookie for $1.25. Payment can be made in cash or charged to their MySchoolBucks lunch account.
Students can also wear a Valentines or kindness-themed shirt on Thursday as well. If participating, don't forget your Valentine's cards and/or small (nonfood) items like stickers or fidgets to pass out to classmates.
Carline: Blue-to-Yellow lane changes
If you are picking up your kindergarten student, please enter the yellow lane directly by coming southbound on Mays. It's quicker, too! Carline has been backing up with multiple vehicles entering blue lane and then transferring to the yellow lane (and holding up blue lane traffic).
Parent Child Dance
February 15, 2025
Please note updated details on this dance! We invite you and your children to our enchanting Fairytale-themed Parent-Child Dance; a fundraiser for the Class of 2026 and NHS! Drift around through an evening of fun, laughter, and wonderful memories with your little ones surrounded by fairytale characters and fun activities.
Price: $15 per ticket. Buy tickets now. Ticket sales close Thursday. Limited tickets will be available at the door for $25 each, cash only.
IB Initiative: The Learner Trait of Communicator
This quarter, our IB Initiative each week will focus on one of the learner profile traits.
Inquirers • Knowledgeable • Thinkers • Communicators • Principled
Open-Minded • Caring • Risk-takers • Balanced • Reflective
According to IB, communicators express themselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. They collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
Communicators use communication skills, including taking in information through reading, watching and listening and sharing information through speaking, writing and non-verbal means of communication. This week on the announcements we will continue our exploration of people who demonstrate this trait and tie our learning to Black History Month as well by learning about people like Levar Burton, artists and writers of the Harlem Renaissance, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass.
Find activities and book ideas on Meridian’s website to extend the discussion of what it means to be a communicator at home.

Upcoming enrichment activities
February 13 - 19: Better Together - Students explore the meaning of equity and practice ways to understand empowerment and inclusion.
February 20: Discover Your Talents - Students show off their talents within their Triple A groups.
February 21: Talent Show - Students have the opportunity to show off their talents in the Triple A Talent Show. Parents and guardians are invited to this event.
Spots Available for Pro-Skills Sports!
We have openings for Pro-Skills Basketball (2nd-5th grade) and Pro-Skills Volleyball (2nd-5th grade). Register today!
Week of February 19, 2025
Week of February 26, 2025
Week of March 5, 2025
Week of March 12, 2025
Week of March 19, 2025
Week of March 26, 2025
Week of April 2, 2025
Week of April 9, 2025
Week of April 16, 2025
Week of April 23, 2025
Week of April 30, 2025
Week of May 7, 2025
Week of May 14, 2025
Week of May 21, 2025