DP Archive Spring 2025
DP Lions Share Archive Spring 2025
Week of January 8, 2025

Greetings DP Families!
I hope everyone enjoyed the winter break! We are re-energized and ready for Semester 2.
We have a lot happening in January – dance team senior night tonight, DECA district competition Saturday, MLK Jr. march on January 15, club yearbook photos on January 23, the Junior Lock-In on Jan 31-Feb 1, and this month our juniors will select courses for their SENIOR year!
Our annual Alumni Day is this Friday, January 10! Wouldn't you love to come hear from our alumni and their parents about what the transition was like from Meridian to college and beyond? See the invitation below and RSVP if you can join us!
Teachers returned to work on Monday and have finalized grades for Quarter 2/Semester 1. As always, if you have concerns about your student, please reach out so we can support as needed.
Stela Holcombe
DP Principal
Save the dates 👀
- District: MLK Jr. March on January 15
- 6th-12th grades: Clubs and student leadership group yearbook photos on January 23
- 11th grade: ACT exam on March 4
- 12th grade: Senior Trip Pre-Departure Meeting on February 11
Alumni Day: connect with Meridian Alumni & their parents
Friday, January 10, 2025
Please RSVP
Every year, Meridian hosts Alumni Day, where alumni return to campus for visits to the high school classrooms, focus groups with current Meridian parents, and lunch with their former teachers.
Meridian parents/guardians are invited to join us for two dialogue sessions on Alumni Day. The purpose of these sessions is to provide a space for our alumni and their parents/guardians to share how the alumni have benefitted from the quality IB education they received at Meridian. We find that these interactions between our current parents and our alumni students/parents are always extremely beneficial and enjoyed by all.
Session 1 - 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: Meridian Alumni visit with current Meridian parents
Session 2 - 9:15 a.m. - 10 a.m.: Parents of Alumni visit with current Meridian parents
Please RSVP by January 8.

Seniors: Please pay IB Exam invoice in MSB
Exam drop deadline January 14; Balance Due by April 15
IB Exam invoices are now in your My School Bucks account.The balance is due by April 15. Please note these important points:
Seniors: IB Exam Schedule (May 2025)
The IB exam schedule for May 2025 is available. If your student is taking IB exams, it's important for you to know that exams cannot be rescheduled. Don't plan travel or make doctor appointments on examination days. If you have an older student graduating from college in May 2025 (or another big family event), please share those dates with me asap so we can see if there is a potential schedule conflict.
Juniors: '25-'26 Course Selection
Attention Juniors: It's time to begin planning for your SENIOR year! Mr. Manuszak will visit with the juniors in their US History class Thursday, January 23 (B day) and Friday, January 24 (A day) to guide them in the completion of their 12th grade course selection form. Students will continue their two-year IB Diploma Program courses, but there are decisions to make in regards to taking an elective vs. taking a study hall.
Please note that the choices students make on their 12th grade course selection form are not final! Students and parents will be invited to sign-up for individual planning conferences with Mrs. Gregg at the start of February to discuss their selections and to look ahead at the college application process.
Secondary Club Photo Day is Thursday, January 23!
There are no make-ups for these club/group photos that will be used in the yearbook, so please don't be absent unless you are sick! Students who are absent, who miss the photo, or who do not follow the attire requirements will be noted under their group’s photo as “not pictured.” The photo day schedule will be sent to students in ManageBac early next week.
Junior Lock-In: Action items and details
Friday, January 31 at 7 p.m. – Saturday, February 1 at 7 a.m.
This annual tradition requires parent support. Read on for forms and actions!
- Parents, to volunteer as a chaperone and/or donate money for breakfast, sign up here. We must have at least six volunteers in order for this event to happen!
- Students, please RSVP here.
- Students and parents/guardians must complete and return this form (with pizza money attached) by 2 p.m. Friday, January 31 to be included in the pizza order. If the student does not want pizza, the completed permission form can be brought to the lock-in.
- Drop off / pick up from the Mays Building please (we will NOT be in the high school). Parents/guardians, please pick up on time (by 7 a.m.) so staff can go home and get some sleep!
Questions? Please email [email protected].
2025 Junior/Senior Prom Parent Committee Sign-Up
Planning from Prom 2025 is underway! Prom is for students in both the 11th and 12th grades. It will be held at the Round Rock Marriott Hotel on April 5, 2025. If you want to be part of the parent prom committee led by parent volunteer Hannah LeBreton, please fill out this form.
We have a great group of parents signed up to support this event so far: Hannah LeBreton Karlson (Lead), Debi Castro, Erin Foster, Eyan Rubio, Kelly Calcote, Nicole Flowers, Pamela Cortinas, and Stephanie Ramert.

Meridian Athletics
Upcoming home games!
Wednesday, January 8 - Girls Varsity, Boys Varsity, Boys JV Beast
Canceled - Thursday, January 9 - Girls Varsity - This game has been rescheduled to January 23.Saturday, January 11 - Girls MS, Boys MS Beast
Monday, January 13 - Girls MS, Boys MS Beast, Boys JV Beast
Wednesday, January 13 - Boys MS Bold
Dance Team
Wednesday, January 8
Fierce Dance Team performs between Varsity games!
The 2025 Match Schedule is now available! Let’s go, Lions! (Subject to change.)
See the Athletics Newsletter and the Athletics web section for more about Meridian sports.
Questions? Email Meridian Athletics.
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
2024-2025 Secondary Clubs and Student Groups (6-12)
Find the Clubs List for this school year.
Learn how students can start or reactivate a club.
Questions? Email Secondary Enrichment
Week of January 15, 2025

Greetings DP Families!
Congrats to our DECA students who competed at the District Career Development Conference (CDC) on Saturday, January 11. Sixteen students are advancing to state level competition in Dallas in March 2025. We are so proud of all of the competitors!
Parents/guardians of juniors who are pursuing the IB diploma, please note that we will be taking these students to the University of Texas at Austin to do scholarly research for their Extended Essays on February 20. More info to come on this next week!
Stela Holcombe
DP Principal
Students competed at the DECA conference Saturday
Important 👀
- School is closed Monday, January 20 for MLK Day
- DP Principal's Coffee Monday, January 27
Reminder: Pay IB Exam Invoices through MySchoolBucks
IB Exam invoices are in your MySchoolBucks account. The balance is due April 15. MySchoolBucks adds a 4% fee; you are invited to avoid this fee by paying with a personal check. Please make the check payable to "Meridian School" and write your student's name in the memo like this "John Doe - for IB Exams." Send your check to the high school office in a sealed envelope to the attention of Stela Holcombe.
Seniors: Individual Oral Exams for DP English begin January 21
Good luck to our DPY2 English seniors on their upcoming English Oral Exam. These begin on January 21. See the English Oral Exam schedule.
Action Requested of Parents/Guardians: Please check the schedule to see when your senior is scheduled to do their oral exam and discourage them from being absent unless they are sick. Skipping school to put off this task only causes more stress on the student, and it creates large problems with these individually scheduled exams.
Please note: We don't expect these students to take summatives for other classes on the day of their individual oral exam. They will be advised to work with their teachers to reschedule conflicting summatives as needed.
Attention Seniors: Senior Trip Pre-Departure Meeting
Tuesday, February 11 from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
If your senior is signed up to attend the Senior Trip over Spring Break, please mark your calendar for a required, in-person meeting on Tuesday, February 11 in the High School Cafeteria.
Please bring the following items with you:
- $95 cash for tips. This is required of all travelers. Holcombe/Elbers will divide and pay tips to the service providers; students will not handle these funds.
- We will make color copies of the following items:
- Student’s Driver License, Driving Permit, or Texas ID
- Student's Medical Insurance Card
- Student's Passport - please have your student sign the passport before the meeting
Save the Date for Graduation Product Orders
Monday, February 10 and Tuesday, February 11
High School Tech Commons between 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Representatives from Herff Jones will take orders for graduation regalia (cap and gowns), class rings, and graduation announcements. Parents/guardians may come to campus to place these orders themselves, or the student can place their own order. Consider coming on Monday, February 10 when it's less busy.
See this guide on graduation products for the Class of 2025!

Model UN MUNSA award recipients Rithika S., Sarah O., and Ahladita B.
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
Model United Nations
Meridian Model UN participated in the JMUNSA (middle school) and MUNSA (high school) conference on Saturday in San Antonio. We are extremely proud of all 41 participants for their effort and dedication in preparation for this conference. Congratulations to the students who received impressive awards: Rithika S. (Distinguished Delegate), Sarah O. (Best Delegate), and Ahladita B. (Best Delegate)!
Meridian's DECA chapter competed at the District Career Development Conference (CDC) on Saturday, January 11. Of the 46 high school students who competed, 16 advanced to State in March. We are very proud of all of our DECA members for working hard to prepare for this competition as we do not have a business program at Meridian. The state qualifiers are (in alpha order by last name): Pranav Anil, Ganesh Balakrishnan, Krish Bhalani, Cylee Dhond, Sri Edala, Rumi Maknojia, Allison Mathias, Vivaan Pai, Riya Palanki, Abdul Azeez Sadiq, Aarin Sandilya, Aarush Sankar, Rithika Saravanan, Connor Scafe, Anish Senthilarasu, and Dheeraz Yamdati.
2024-2025 Secondary Clubs and Student Groups (6-12)
Find the Clubs List for this school year
Learn how students can start or reactivate a club
Questions? Email Secondary Enrichment
Meridian Athletics
Upcoming home games!
Wednesday, January 13 - Boys MS Bold & Boys JV Beast
Saturday, January 18 - Girls Varsity & Boys JV Bold
Tuesday, January 21 - Boys JV Bold, Girls Varsity & Boys Varsity + Senior Night!
Basketball Senior Night is Tuesday, January 21!
Join us as we honor our class of 2025 basketball players and student managers between the last home Varsity Basketball games of the season. We'll be celebrating: Juli A., Lily C., Palm W., Joe B., Fenix B., and PJ S.
First home Soccer games! Just one mile from campus at Rock Field (217 Commerce Blvd. Round Rock)
Friday, January 17 - Boys Varsity, Girls Varsity and Boys JV
The January 21 Middle School Tennis match has been rescheduled to February 11.
See the Athletics Newsletter and the Athletics web section for more about Meridian sports.
Questions? Email Meridian Athletics
Week of January 22, 2025

Greetings DP Families!
I hope all enjoyed a nice long weekend! We are back now for a short week of school.
Monday, January 20 was a holiday to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, but at Meridian we celebrated him on Wednesday of last week with a parade in his honor – an event hosted by the Triple A After School Program. I'm very proud of DP junior Patrick A. for delivering a great speech and DP Junior Claire S., who sang in the Black Culture Choir. Monique Swain and the Triple A Staff do a great job organizing this every year and all are invited. Join us next year if you can!
Parents and guardians of juniors, the Junior Lock In is coming up next weekend. We still need a few parent volunteers to sign up or this event will not happen. See below for more info. THANK YOU to those who have already signed up and who have sent money for breakfast items!
Lastly, good luck to our diploma program seniors who have their Individual Oral exams with Mr. Baker this week! They are so well prepared; we know they will do great!
Stela Holcombe
DP Principal
The MLK March included a performance by the Black Culture Choir and short speeches from students in all grades, led by junior Patrick A.
DP Principal's Coffee
Monday, January 27 from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Join Principal Holcombe for our DP Principal Coffee in the High School Cafeteria! Mrs. Holcombe will share updates about the Diploma Program and you will have the opportunities to share ideas and ask any questions you have of the DP Admin Team. We hope to see you there!
Seniors: Individual Oral Exams for DP English happening now
Good luck to our DPY2 English seniors on their English Oral Exam. See the English Oral Exam schedule.
Action Requested of Parents/Guardians: Please check the schedule to see when your senior is scheduled to do their oral exam and discourage them from being absent unless they are sick. Skipping school to put off this task causes more stress and it creates large scheduling problems.
Secondary Club Picture Day tomorrow
Thursday, January 23
These club/group photos will be used in the Meridian yearbook,The World! Please encourage your student to be present and participate with their club/group. See the picture day schedule and pay special attention to the dress requirements.
We still need 1-2 volunteers on picture day. Please sign up to help here!
Juniors & parents/guardians: sign up now for conferences with Mrs. Gregg
Conferences run January 28 – March 12
Each year at this time, Mrs. Gregg offers an individual conference with each junior to review their 12th grade course selections (if needed) and to discuss their plans for after high school (this is the main focus of the meeting). Mrs. Gregg has incredible expertise about the college application process; please take advantage of this opportunity to meet with her one-on-one!
Parents/guardians are invited to attend this meeting with their student, in person or via Zoom. Sign up for a conference. Please schedule the meeting during study hall or during a class when the student can most afford to miss about 30 minutes of instructional time.
Opportunity for Senior Trip participants
Wednesday, February 26 at 3 p.m.
Costa Rica is a safe country for travel, but the Vallejo family business (Aaron Vallejo Insurance Agency & Hippo Social Performance Club) is sponsoring a self-defense class for interested seniors. The class is limited to 25 participants. Reserve your class spot.
Volunteers needed for Junior Lock-In
Friday, January 31 at 7 p.m. – Saturday, February 1 at 7 a.m.
This annual tradition requires parent support. Read on for forms and actions!
- Parents, please sign up to volunteer as a chaperone and/or donate money for breakfast. We need at least three more volunteers for this event to happen!
- Students, please RSVP today.
- Students and parents/guardians, please complete this form
- If you want pizza, bring the form and money by 2 p.m. Friday, January 31 to be included in the pizza order.
- Otherwise, you can bring the completed permission form to the lock-in.
- Drop off / pick up from the Mays Building please (we will NOT be in the high school). Parents/guardians, please pick up on time (by 7 a.m.) so staff can go home and get some sleep!
Reminder: Pay IB Exam Invoices through MySchoolBucks
IB Exam invoices are in your MySchoolBucks account. The balance is due April 15. MySchoolBucks adds a 4% fee; you are invited to avoid this fee by paying with a personal check. Please make the check payable to "Meridian School" and write your student's name in the memo like this "John Doe - for IB Exams." Send your check to the high school office in a sealed envelope to the attention of Stela Holcombe.
Attention Seniors: Senior Trip Pre-Departure Meeting
Tuesday, February 11 from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
If your senior is signed up to attend the Senior Trip over Spring Break, please mark your calendar for a required, in-person meeting on Tuesday, February 11 in the High School Cafeteria.
Please bring the following items with you:
- $95 cash for tips. This is required of all travelers. Holcombe/Elbers will divide and pay tips to the service providers; students will not handle these funds.
- We will make color copies of the following items:
- Student’s Driver License, Driving Permit, or Texas ID
- Student's Medical Insurance Card
- Student's Passport - please have your student sign the passport before the meeting
Save the Date for Graduation Product Orders
Monday, February 10 and Tuesday, February 11
High School Tech Commons between 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Representatives from Herff Jones will take orders for graduation regalia (cap and gowns), class rings, and graduation announcements. Parents/guardians may come to campus to place these orders themselves, or the student can place their own order. Consider coming on Monday, February 10 when it's less busy.
See this guide on graduation products for the Class of 2025!
Week of January 29, 2025

Greetings DP Families!
Juniors, please note that the date for the ACT exam has moved to Monday, March 3. We are doing this to balance instructional time that was lost on January 21.
The Junior Lock-In is this weekend! See more info below! Note that we need two more parent volunteers to sign up in order for this event to happen.
Good luck to the DP English seniors who continue their Individual Oral exams this week!
Stela Holcombe
DP Principal
Quick reminders
Missed previous newsletters? Seniors, review upcoming deadlines and events related to your senior year in this compilation page, which includes:
- Trip notices
- IB Exams
- Graduation orders/details
DP English Individual Oral Exams continue. See schedule.
DP Principal's Coffee
Please review this slide deck for updates that were shared in yesterday's DP Principal Coffee. There is one more coffee remaining on Monday, March 31. I hope to see you there!
Junior conferences with Mrs. Gregg
Conferences run January 28 – March 12
Sign up for an individual conference with Mrs. Gregg to review junior's 12th grade course selections (if needed) and to discuss their plans for after high school (the main focus of the meeting). Mrs. Gregg has incredible expertise about the college application process; please take advantage of this opportunity to meet with her one-on-one!
Parents/guardians are invited to attend this meeting with their student, in person or via Zoom. Sign up for a conference. Schedule the meeting during study hall or a time when the student can most afford to miss about 30 minutes of instructional time.
Volunteers still needed for Junior Lock-In
Friday, January 31 at 7 p.m. – Saturday, February 1 at 7 a.m.
- Parents, please sign up to volunteer as a chaperone. We need two more volunteers for this event to happen!
- Students, please RSVP.
- Students and parents/guardians, please complete this form
- If you want pizza, bring the form and money by 2 p.m. Friday, January 31.
- Otherwise, bring the completed permission form to the lock-in.
- Drop off / pick up from the Mays Building (we will NOT be in the high school). Parents/guardians, please pick up on time (by 7 a.m.) so staff can go home and get some sleep!
Juniors: ACT exam moved to Monday, March 3
Juniors, the date for the ACT exam has moved to Monday, March 3 to balance instructional time that was lost January 21. If you have scheduled appointments for Monday, March 3, I’m sorry, but you will want to reschedule so your student can take the free ACT exam with us on this date.
As a reminder, Mr. Manuszak will offer ACT practice sessions (one session per ACT section) on Wednesday afternoons starting Feb 5.
HOSA spirit wear for future health professionals
Meridian's Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) is selling "Future Health Professional" spirit wear-approved T-Shirts to students in grades 6-12. Sales close February 7; shirts are $16.99 on MySchoolBucks. Profits will go towards HOSA spring service projects aimed towards promoting wellness in our community!
Rice University Aerospace Academy (Summer experience)
Students in grades 9-12 for this 2024-2025 school year may be interested in the Rice University Aerospace Academy. This 12-day experience is pricey, but looks to be of very high quality. If your student is interested, please email Stela Holcombe, because a nomination is required: [email protected].
Senior Yard Sign orders
Parents and guardians of seniors, order senior yard signs today! This is an optional way for your family to celebrate your senior with either a "generic" or "personalized" senior yard sign. The cost for each sign is $9. Orders are due February 14.
2025 Graduation Information
Friday, May 23 from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Round Rock Sports Center (RRSC)
Graduation is less than four month away! We will release detailed information later, but here is the basic info you need for planning purposes:
- Each senior may invite up to 14 guests; there will be an opportunity to request additional tickets if desired.
- We will have graduation practice on site on the morning of graduation; please do not make family plans on that morning.
- No stiletto heels are allowed (to protect the hardwood floors at the RRSC)
Questions about graduation? Email me at [email protected].

Congratulations to our seniors in the Basketball program who celebrated Senior Night on Wednesday, January 22. Photo by Debi Castro.
Meridian Athletics
Congratulations to our teams advancing to playoffs this week!
Wednesday, January 29 - Girls MS plays away in the Area Semi-Finals!
Wednesday, January 29 - Boys Varsity plays away in the Area Championship!
Thursday, January 30 - Girls Varsity plays away in the Area Championship!
Tuesday, February 4 - Girls MS and Boys MS Beast in Area Championships!
Watch the Basketball Game Schedule to track the advancement of our Basketball teams in the playoffs!
Friday, January 31 - Both Varsity teams play on the Spurs court!
Dance Team
First competition this Saturday, February 1 - Cedar Park Dance Competition!
Cancelled - Both upcoming home Soccer games on Friday, January 31 and Saturday, February 2 have been cancelled due to field conditions/availability.
Friday, January 31 - Varsity Tennis match at home
Spring Developmental Sports (6-11)
Registration for Spring Developmental Sports experiences for students opens Wednesday, February 5 and ends at 9 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, or sooner if the limited spots fill up first.
- Spring Developmental Flag Football (prepare for fall 2025 competitive Flag Football)
- Spring Developmental Running (prepare for fall 2025 competitive Cross Country)
- Spring Developmental Volleyball (prepare for fall 2025 competitive Volleyball)
Physical forms are due by February 13.
See the Athletics Newsletter and the Athletics web section for more about Meridian sports.
Questions? Email Meridian Athletics.
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
Model UN and Debate Club have competitions next week! Stay tuned.
2024-2025 Secondary Clubs and Student Groups (6-12)
Find the Clubs List for this school year.
Questions? Email Secondary Enrichment
Week of February 5, 2025

We had a great time at the Junior Lock-In this weekend! A record number 61 students attended and stayed ALL night! We love seeing our students "enjoy a good life with others."
If you have not done so already, please review the slide deck for updates that were shared in last week's DP Principal Coffee.
Stela Holcombe
DP Principal
Juniors enjoy the lock-in Friday night.
11th grade: college/course conferences with Mrs. Gregg
Conferences run through March 12
Sign up for an individual conference with Mrs. Gregg to review junior's 12th grade course selections (if needed) and to discuss their plans for after high school. Parents/guardians are invited to join in person or via Zoom. Schedule the meeting during study hall or a time when the student can most afford to miss about 30 minutes of school. Sign up for a conference.
11th grade: ACT practice sessions: Wednesdays
Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. Manuszak's ACT practice sessions have begun! Each week focuses on one section of the ACT. The ACT test is scheduled for Monday, March 3. The school is paying for this test and will handle all aspects of registration. No action is needed from parents/guardians.
Orders end Friday: HOSA spirit wear for future health professionals
Meridian's Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) is selling "Future Health Professional" spirit wear-approved T-Shirts to students in grades 6-12. Sales close February 7; shirts are $16.99 on MySchoolBucks. Profits go towards HOSA spring service projects aimed at promoting wellness in our community!
Senior Trip Pre-Departure Meeting Tuesday
Tuesday, February 11 from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
This meeting is mandatory for every student and at least one of their parent/guardians.
Please bring the following items:
- $95 cash for tips (required). Holcombe/Elbers will use this to tip service providers; students will not handle these funds.
- We will make color copies of the following items:
- Student’s Driver License, Driving Permit, or Texas ID
- Student's Medical Insurance Card
- Student's Passport (please have your student sign the passport before the meeting)
Senior Yard Sign orders due Feb. 14
Parents and guardians of seniors, order senior yard signs today! This is an optional way for your family to celebrate your senior with either a generic or personalized senior yard sign. The cost for each sign is $9. Orders are due February 14.
2025 Graduation Information
Friday, May 23 from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Round Rock Sports Center (RRSC)
Planning notes:
- Each senior may invite up to 14 guests; you'll have an opportunity to request additional tickets.
- We will have on-site graduation practice the morning of graduation; please do not make family plans on that morning.
- No stiletto heels are allowed (to protect the hardwood floors at the RRSC)
Questions about graduation? Email me at [email protected].
Week of February 12, 2025

Don't forget there is no school for students this Friday or Monday of next week!
Congrats to Model UN students who attended the HAMUN Conference in Houston last week. They brought home some awards including Best Small Delegation!
As always, please reach out if we can do anything to support you or your student.
Stela Holcombe
DP Principal
Save the Dates
Thursday, students in grades 6-11 can wear red! Seniors wear black! See all upcoming dress days.
11th grade IB Diploma Students: EE Field Trip to UT Austin on February 20
11th grade: ACT exam Monday, March 3. See Wednesday afternoon ACT practice sessions happening now through February 16!
Popcorn Study Break: donate today
We are having a "DP Popcorn Study Break" for juniors on seniors on Friday, February 21 during advisory. Can you please sign up to donate needed items? Thank you!
11th grade: college/course conferences with Mrs. Gregg
Conferences run through March 12
Sign up for an individual conference with Mrs. Gregg to review junior's 12th grade course selections (if needed) and to discuss their plans for after high school. Parents/guardians are invited to join in person or via Zoom. Schedule the meeting during study hall or a time when the student can most afford to miss about 30 minutes of school. Sign up for a conference.
Senior Yard Sign orders due Feb. 14
Parents and guardians of seniors, order senior yard signs today! This is an optional way for your family to celebrate your senior with either a generic or personalized senior yard sign. The cost for each sign is $9.
Last chance to order graduation products
Order graduation products this week so that they will be delivered on time. You have two options:
- Online on the Herff Jones website using this guide that shows what is required and where to find it on the website.
- In person at the Herff Jones in Round Rock (check store hours): 202 Laurel Dr, Round Rock, TX 78664 Phone: (512) 243-7901
Regarding the National Honor Society (NHS) stole: Several NHS seniors have not been attending NHS meetings and/or have not done sufficient service hours to merit wearing the NHS stole to graduation. Please discuss this with your senior before you buy it.
Questions? Email Robyn Tester.
Graduation Notes
Friday, May 23 from 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Round Rock Sports Center (RRSC)
Graduation is just four months away!
- Each senior may invite up to 14 guests; you'll have an opportunity to request additional tickets.
- We will have on-site graduation practice the morning of graduation; please do not make family plans on that morning.
- No stiletto heels are allowed (to protect the hardwood floors at the RRSC)
Questions about graduation? Email me at [email protected].
Week of February 19, 2025
Week of February 26, 2025
Week of March 5, 2025
Week of March 12, 2025
Week of March 19, 2025
Week of March 26, 2025
Week of April 2, 2025
Week of April 9, 2025
Week of April 16, 2025
Week of April 23, 2025
Week of April 30, 2025
Week of May 7, 2025
Week of May 14, 2025
Week of May 21, 2025