Newsletter Archives » MYP Archive Spring 2025

MYP Archive Spring 2025

MYP Mane Archive Spring 2025

DP Header


Hello Meridian Families,


Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a restful break. We will be jumping into a busy semester. 


More than 40 of our graduates will be coming back with their families for our annual Alumni Day, this Friday, January 10! Alumni visit with current 10th-12th grade students and with the parents of current students. They share the experiences they’ve had since graduation. At the end of the day, there will be a recognition ceremony for the Class of 2024 where they will be presented with their IB diplomas and certificates. It will be nice to have them all back on campus.


Our 9th grade transition meeting is Wednesday, January 15 at 6 p.m. in the Cafe. If you have an 8th grade student rising to 9th grade next year this is an opportunity to learn about the differences between middle school and high school at Meridian. DP principal Stela Holcombe will speak about the DP program in grades 11 and 12 during this event.


If you have a 5th grader rising to 6th grade grade, we invite you to our rising 6th grader parent meeting on Tuesday January 14 at 6 p.m. in the Cafe.


We have several parent meetings this month in addition to the 6th grade field trip. Please check out the dates for all of the upcoming events.


Crystal Lane,
MYP Principal


Save the dates 👀

  • 6th grade: Perot Museum payments are due by January 17
  • 6th-12th grades: Clubs and student leadership group yearbook photos January 23  


Grades 8,9,10: Information Nights and Course Selection


Look for all secondary course selection guides and information night details broken out by grade level here. There is important information for grades 8, 9, and 10!


Information Nights begin next week!


Alumni Day: connect with Meridian Alumni & their parents

Friday, January 10, 2025

Please RSVP 


Every year, Meridian hosts Alumni Day, where alumni return to campus for visits to the high school classrooms, focus groups with current Meridian parents, and lunch with their former teachers.


Meridian parents/guardians are invited to join us for two dialogue sessions on Alumni Day. The purpose of these sessions is to provide a space for our alumni and their parents/guardians to share how the alumni have benefitted from the quality IB education they received at Meridian. We find that these interactions between our current parents and our alumni students/parents are always extremely beneficial and enjoyed by all.


Session 1 - 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: Meridian Alumni visit with current Meridian parents

Session 2 - 9:15 a.m. - 10 a.m.: Parents of Alumni visit with current Meridian parents


Please  RSVP by January 8.

Alumni Day is Jan. 10. Click the link to RSVP and learn more!






IB DP Information Night for parents of 10th Graders (8th-9th welcome as well)

Tuesday, January 28 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. in the Mays Cafe


Save the date of Tuesday, January 28 for a very important in-person information session for parents/guardians of rising 11th graders! This meeting will cover all you need to know about the IB Diploma Program at Meridian. Meet your IB diploma program administration and ask questions about your student's final two years of high school! Students are encouraged to attend with their parent/guardian, but this is not required as they will be introduced to the IB diploma program in  their 10th grade College Readiness class.


Note that parents of rising 9th and 10th graders are also welcome to attend this information session–especially if you are trying to decide whether or not to stay at Meridian through graduation.


Action Requested: Fill out this RSVP form to receive a Google calendar invitation.



Secondary Club Photo Day is Thursday, January 23!

There are no make-ups for these club/group photos that will be used in the yearbook, so please don't be absent unless you are sick! Students who are absent, who miss the photo, or who do not follow the attire requirements  will be noted under their group’s photo as “Not pictured.”  The photo day schedule will be sent to students in ManageBac early next week.


Sex Education talks: action required by Friday

Permission Form due Jan. 10


You must complete the form below by January 10 for your child if you would like them to participate in the sexual education curriculum for their given grade level. Students not participating in the Sex Ed curriculum will have alternative assignments.


6th grade Opt in letter 

7th grade Opt in letter 

8th grade Opt in letter 

9th grade Opt in letter 

10th grade Opt in letter


STAAR Interims take place starting January 23

Students will be completing interims this month. Teachers use the information from the interims to guide instruction for the second semester. Interims provide students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the STAAR assessment platform.


January 23 - 24: 8th grade US history 

January 30-31: 10th grade English 

February 3-4: 8th Grade Science

February 6-7: 9th Grade English

February 10-11: 9th Grade Biology

February 20-21: 6th-8th Grade English

February 27-28: 8th Grade Math, Algebra 1-2


(Stay tuned for 6th and 7th grade math dates)



Meridian Athletics

Seniors Cha Cha and Palm are featured on a Dance Team poster for Dance Team Senior Night Jan. 8 at 6:!5 p.m.




Upcoming home games!

Wednesday, January 8 - Girls Varsity, Boys Varsity, Boys JV Beast

Canceled - Thursday, January 9 - Girls Varsity - This game has been rescheduled to January 23.

Saturday, January 11 - Girls MS, Boys MS Beast

Monday, January 13 - Girls MS, Boys MS Beast, Boys JV Beast

Wednesday, January 13 - Boys MS Bold


Dance Team

Wednesday, January 8

Fierce Dance Team performs between Varsity games!

Dance Team Senior Night!



The 2025 Match Schedule is now available! Let’s go, Lions! (Subject to change.)


See the Athletics Newsletter and the Athletics web section for more about Meridian sports.


Questions? Email Meridian Athletics.

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs


2024-2025 Secondary Clubs and Student Groups (6-12)

Find the Clubs List for this school year. 

Learn how students can start or reactivate a club

See Daily Announcements.


Questions? Email Secondary Enrichment



Hello Meridian Families,


Please remember that there is no school this coming Monday, January 20. 


Big shout out to our students that completed in MUN and DECA this weekend. Great job, Lions! As we move into registration for next year, please remember you can always reach out to your counselor or Assistant Principal with questions. 


Here are some upcoming dates to save. If you have a high school student, please mark your calendars for the DP orientation night January 28 at 6 p.m. in the Middle School building cafe. The next MYP parent coffee is the same day, January 28, at 9 a.m. in the library.


Crystal Lane,
MYP Principal


Important 👀

  • 6th grade: Perot Museum payments are due by this Friday. We still have 30 outstanding payments, so check to make sure you paid on MySchoolBucks!
  • Today, Jan. 15, the parking lot will be closed between 4 - 5 p.m. for the MLK March. Please park on the grass if you need to enter during this time. Triple A pick up will be paused.
  • Next Monday, January 20,  there is no school in observance of MLK Day.


Transition nights: 9th grade January 15 at 6 pm in the Mays Cafe. 11th grade: January 28 at 6 pm in the Mays Cafe

Rising 9th Grade Information Night
IB Diploma Program Information Night (8th-10th grade)

Rising 9th Grade: Wednesday, January 15 from 6 - 7 p.m. in the Mays Cafe


Meet High School administration and learn what to expect for 9th-12th grade at Meridian!



DP Info Night: Tuesday, January 28 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. in the Mays Cafe


Meet your IB diploma program administration and ask questions about your student's final two years of high school! Students are encouraged to attend with their parent/guardian. This is a great program to attend if you are trying to decide whether or not to stay at Meridian through graduation.


Action Requested: Fill out this RSVP form.


MYP (6-10) Principal’s Coffee

Tuesday, January 28 at 9 a.m.Coffee cup with delicious looking cappuccino and a cute lion drawn in the foam. Now I want a good coffee.

Join us for the MYP Principal’s Coffee at the secondary library in the middle school building for conversations with school leadership. Please park in the designated visitor parking spots on this map.


STAAR interim dates

Teachers use the information from interim tests to guide instruction for the second semester. Interims provide students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the STAAR assessment platform.


January 23 - 24: 8th grade US history 

January 30-31: 10th grade English 

February 3-4: 8th Grade Science

February 6-7: 9th Grade English

February 10-11: 9th Grade Biology

February 20-21: 6th-8th Grade English

February 27-28: 6th-8th Grade Math, Algebra 1-2


Model UN MUNSA award recipients: Rithika S., Sarah O., and Ahladita B.

Model UN MUNSA award recipients Rithika S., Sarah O., and Ahladita B.

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs


Model United Nations

Meridian Model UN participated in the JMUNSA (middle school) and MUNSA (high school) conference on Saturday in San Antonio. We are extremely proud of all 41 participants for their effort and dedication in preparation for this conference. Congratulations to the students who received impressive awards: Rithika S. (Distinguished Delegate), Sarah O. (Best Delegate), and Ahladita B. (Best Delegate)!



Meridian's DECA chapter competed at the District Career Development Conference (CDC) on Saturday, January 11. Of the 46 high school students who competed, 16 advanced to State in March. We are very proud of all of our DECA members for working hard to prepare for this competition as we do not have a business program at Meridian. The state qualifiers are (in alpha order by last name): Pranav Anil, Ganesh Balakrishnan, Krish Bhalani, Cylee Dhond, Sri Edala, Rumi Maknojia, Allison Mathias, Vivaan Pai, Riya Palanki, Abdul Azeez Sadiq, Aarin Sandilya, Aarush Sankar, Rithika Saravanan, Connor Scafe, Anish Senthilarasu, and Dheeraz Yamdati.  


2024-2025 Secondary Clubs and Student Groups (6-12)

Find the Clubs List for this school year

Learn how students can start or reactivate a club

See Daily Announcements


Questions? Email Secondary Enrichment

Meridian Athletics



Upcoming home games!

Wednesday, January 13 - Boys MS Bold & Boys JV Beast

Saturday, January 18 - Girls Varsity & Boys JV Bold

Tuesday, January 21 - Boys JV Bold, Girls Varsity & Boys Varsity + Senior Night!


Basketball Senior Night is Tuesday, January 21!

Join us as we honor our class of 2025 basketball players and student managers between the last home Varsity Basketball games of the season. We'll be celebrating: Juli A., Lily C., Palm W., Joe B., Fenix B., and PJ S.



First home Soccer games! Just one mile from campus at Rock Field (217 Commerce Blvd. Round Rock)

Friday, January 17 - Boys Varsity, Girls Varsity and Boys JV



The January 21 Middle School Tennis match has been rescheduled to February 11.


See the Athletics Newsletter and the Athletics web section for more about Meridian sports.


Questions? Email Meridian Athletics



Hello Meridian Families,


It's a short week, and we are glad to see everyone back on campus! If you have a high school student, please mark your calendars for the DP orientation night January 28 at 6 p.m. in the Middle School building cafe. The next MYP parent coffee is earlier on the same day, January 28, at 9 a.m. in the library.


Crystal Lane,
MYP Principal



MYP (6-10) Principal’s Coffee

Tuesday, January 28 at 9 a.m.Coffee cup with delicious looking cappuccino and a cute lion drawn in the foam. Now I want a good coffee.

Join us for the MYP Principal’s Coffee at the secondary library in the middle school building for conversations with school leadership. Please park in the designated visitor parking spots on this map.


Secondary Club Picture Day is here!

Thursday, January 2322-23 book club students hold their favorite books. Naturally, club sponsor Mr. Baker has more than one book!


These club/group photos will be used in the Meridian yearbook,The World! Please encourage your student to be present and participate with their club/group. See the picture day schedule and pay special attention to the dress requirements

We still need 1-2 volunteers on picture day. Please sign up to help here!


9th Grade Transition Information Night slides

See the slides and video recording from the 9th Grade Transition Information Night.


IB Diploma Program Information Night (8th-10th grade)

DP Info Night: Tuesday, January 28 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. in the Mays Cafe


Meet IB Diploma Program administration and ask questions about your student's final two years of high school! Students are encouraged to attend with their parent/guardian. This is a great program to attend if you are trying to decide whether or not to stay at Meridian through graduation. Fill out this RSVP form.


Individual Counselor meetings for Current 9th/10th Graders

After the in-person IB DP Information Night that is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, current 9th and 10th grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to meet one-on-one with our high school counselor, Mr. Manuszak. This is a great opportunity to get individual attention from the counselor and ask questions about course options and pathways in the IB Diploma Program. 


Sign up for a meeting date after January 28. Schedule this meeting during a class period when your student can most afford to miss instructional time (your student should check their ManageBac calendar or ask the teacher if anything essential is happening in class that day).

Questions? Reach out to Mr. Manuszak.


STAAR interim dates

Teachers use the information from interim tests to guide instruction for the second semester. Interims provide students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the STAAR assessment platform.


January 23 - 24: 8th grade US history 

January 30-31: 10th grade English 

February 3-4: 8th Grade Science

February 6-7: 9th Grade English

February 10-11: 9th Grade Biology

February 20-21: 6th-8th Grade English

February 27-28: 6th-8th Grade Math, Algebra 1-2




Hello Meridian Families,


Happy Lunar New Year! May the Year of the Snake bring your family a joyful year.


Please be mindful that After School 6-12 ends at 5:45 p.m. Picking up your student on time is much appreciated by our staff. It also ensures that no late fees are incurred.


Our secondary clubs are not equipped to supervise siblings. Please make sure you pick up students that are not attending clubs at the normal pick up time. Students are not able to hang out in common spaces unsupervised. We will redirect students to our after school programs if they are found around campus. We encourage you to reach out to your student’s Assistant Principal if you have questions about pickup or dropoff.


Crystal Lane,
MYP Principal



Principal Lane stands with her pet snake

Principal Lane shows off Bella, the sweet pet snake belonging to Mr. Tate, counselor.

Rainy Day pick up locations

During rainy day dismissal, here are the pick up locations:  
  • Blue line picks up in front of the Mays Lobby (middle school)
  • Orange line picks up in front of the MPR (middle school and siblings)
  • Green line picks up by the courtyard (high school and siblings)

Message from the Nurse: spinal screenings

Our school will be conducting state mandated spinal screenings for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys on Wednesday Feb. 5 and Feb. 12 during PE. Students should plan to wear a thin tank top or t-shirt underneath any sweaters or heavy clothing on the day they have PE. 

 If you have questions please contact the nurse via email at [email protected]. If you would like your student to be exempt please email the nurse no later than Feb. 1 by 8 a.m.


HOSA spirit wear for future health professionals

Meridian's Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) is selling "Future Health Professional" spirit wear-approved T-shirts to students in grades 6-12. Sales close February 7; shirts are $16.99 on MySchoolBucks. Profits will go towards HOSA spring service projects aimed towards promoting wellness in our community!

The HOSA shirt is black with the medical staff symbol on the back. It says "Future Health Professional"


Rice University Aerospace Academy (Summer experience)

Students in grades 9-12 for this 2024-2025 school year may be interested in the Rice University Aerospace Academy. This 12-day experience is pricey, but looks to be of very high quality. If your student is interested, please email Stela Holcombe, because a nomination is required: [email protected].


9th Grade Transition slides

See the slides and video recording from the 9th Grade Transition Information Night.


Individual Counselor meetings: 9th, 10th Grade

9th and 10th grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to meet one-on-one with our high school counselor, Mr. Manuszak.


Sign up for a meeting date today. Schedule this meeting during a class period when your student can most afford to miss instructional time.


STAAR interim dates

Interims allow teachers to guide instruction for the second semester and allow students to familiarize themselves with the STAAR assessment platform.


January 30-31: 10th grade English 

February 3-4: 8th Grade Science

February 6-7: 9th Grade English

February 10-11: 9th Grade Biology

February 20-21: 6th-8th Grade English

February 27-28: 6th-8th Grade Math, Algebra 1-2



Congratulations to our seniors in the Basketball program who celebrated Senior Night on Wednesday, January 22.  Photo by Debi Castro.


Meridian Athletics



Congratulations to our teams advancing to playoffs this week!

Wednesday, January 29 - Girls MS plays away in the Area Semi-Finals!

Wednesday, January 29 - Boys Varsity plays away in the Area Championship!

Thursday, January 30 - Girls Varsity plays away in the  Area Championship!

Tuesday, February 4 - Girls MS and Boys MS Beast in Area Championships!

Watch the Basketball Game Schedule to track the advancement of our Basketball teams in the playoffs!


Friday, January 31 - Both Varsity teams play on the Spurs court!


Dance Team

First competition this Saturday, February 1 - Cedar Park Dance Competition!



Cancelled - Both upcoming home Soccer games on Friday, January 31 and Saturday, February 2 have been cancelled due to field conditions/availability.



Friday, January 31 - Varsity Tennis match at home


Spring Developmental Sports (6-11)

Registration for Spring Developmental Sports experiences for students opens Wednesday, February 5 and ends at 9 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, or sooner if the limited spots fill up first.

Physical forms are due by February 13.


See the Athletics Newsletter and the Athletics web section for more about Meridian sports.


Questions? Email Meridian Athletics.


Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

Model UN and Debate Club have competitions next week! Stay tuned.


2024-2025 Secondary Clubs and Student Groups (6-12)

Find the Clubs List for this school year. 

See Daily Announcements.


Questions? Email Secondary Enrichment



Hello Meridian Families,


Despite Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow on Sunday, we have had some beautifully warm days. 


Please join us in appreciating our counselors this week. They do so much to support the social, emotional, and academic needs of our student body.


And, please join us in the black box theater tonight for our Advanced MYP Theater class’ presentation of Anon(ymous). These productions would not be possible without the financial support of our families. It is not too late to contribute to our annual fund. Please help us continue to provide our students with the educational opportunities that you have come to expect from Meridian. 


Crystal Lane,
MYP Principal



Secondary counselors: Ms Zook (6-7), Mr. Harvey (8-9), Mr. Manuszak (10-12), Mr. Tate (K-12), and Mrs. Gregg (College Counselor)


What to expect for Q3 MYP Progress Report

To be more aligned with Standards Based Grading philosophy, Quarter 3 will have all four MYP criteria represented by rolling forward the Quarter 2 grade marks and then making adjustments as needed.
This will provide a clear indication of students’ current overall progress rather than repeat the limited data based grade that appeared on the Quarter 2 progress report.
If there is new summative data in ManageBac, you will see changes in that corresponding Criterion in Skyward. Otherwise, the numbers will stay the same until new summative data is available to make adjustments. Changes may not occur until closer to the Quarter 3 Report Card. Read more.

6th Grade: The Perot Museum Field Trip Is Almost Here!

Sixth graders visit the Perot Museum on Friday! Students should be on campus by 6 a.m. sharp! Read on for trip details. A text will go out to families late Friday afternoon confirming the anticipated 6 p.m. return time. Please reach out to Assistant Principal Matthew Castaneda with questions.
Students not attending the field trip should visit the front desk to learn where to go in the morning.



HOSA spirit wear for future health professionals

Meridian's Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) is selling "Future Health Professional" spirit wear-approved T-shirts to students in grades 6-12. Sales close February 7; shirts are $16.99 on MySchoolBucks. Profits will go towards HOSA spring service projects aimed towards promoting wellness in our community!

The HOSA shirt is black with the medical staff symbol on the back. It says "Future Health Professional"


9th grade class spirit wear

Class of 2028: order your 9th grade approved spirit wear today on MySchoolBucks! This is a special Class of 2028 limited edition hooded zip up jacket. This can be worn Monday through Friday. Sale ends Friday, February 21 at 5 p.m.


Reminder: spinal screenings Feb 5, 12

State-mandated spinal screenings for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys take place today and on Feb. 12 during PE. Students should plan to wear a thin tank top or t-shirt underneath any sweaters or heavy clothing on the day they have PE. If you have questions please contact the nurse via email at [email protected].


IB Global Youth Action Fund applications open

Students between age 12 and 19 may apply for IB's Global Youth Action Fund if they have an idea or project they believe will make an impact on their community. Applications close Feb. 28. See more.




Hello Meridian Families,


Please remember that there is no school for students on Friday or Monday. We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. 


Many of our upperclassmen are looking forward to hosting the PYP parent child dance on Saturday. It is not too late to buy tickets if you have a K-5th grader!


One component of IB that we love is our Design Program. Our design teachers provide your students with opportunities to work with a variety of mediums while solving real world problems. Our 6th graders are designing models of systems while 7th graders are designing pinball machines that will be on display at the Arts and Science Showcase. 8th grade is creating wooden toys that will be tested by our third graders and then donated to a local charity.


Your Annual Fund dollars support our access to the IB Continuum. Please consider making a contribution that your family can afford.


Students use design software to create pinball machines. A student in glasses holds up the prototype to a toy car made from cardboard.


Crystal Lane,
MYP Principal



Thursday, students in grades 6-11 can wear red! See all upcoming dress days.

Tardy Policy Enforcement

This message was shared in ManageBac to grades 8-10. We appreciate your partnership in ensuring students arrive to class on time, ready to learn. We have noticed an increase in excessive tardies and want to reinforce the importance of punctuality in maintaining a positive learning environment.

Students who accumulate six tardies will receive a disciplinary referral. Additional referrals will be issued for every three tardies thereafter (9, 12, etc.). This includes being tardy to the first period of the day. Please ensure students arrive with ample time to make it to class by 8:25 a.m. 

Please encourage your student to arrive to class promptly to avoid consequences and maximize their instructional time.


7th grade Makers Fair participation form due March 2

The Makers Fair is a fundraising event intended to reduce the cost of students' 8th grade trip. This event/fundraiser takes place during our Arts & Science Showcase on April 5. 

The 8th grade field trip to Camp Olympia in Trinity, Texas will occur in October 2025. This is a three day overnight, off campus learning experience. Students attended an assembly in early December to learn about the trip and Makers Fair.

Important links:

Participant Form - deadline to submit is Sunday, March 2



10th Grade Personal Project Expo

March 13 from 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Students demonstrate CPR in their 10th grade personal project


The Personal Project Expo celebrates our students’ hard work and creativity! Mark your calendars to join us in the Mays Gym on Thursday, March 13. Personal Project Expo schedule: 

  • 8 a.m. - 8:25 a.m.: Drop off items in gym
  • 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Presentations to parents/guardians
  • 5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.: Clean up



9th grade class spirit wear

A gray zip up jacket with red '28 on the back and one sleeve, the Meridian lion on the other sleeve Class of 2028: order your approved spirit wear today on MySchoolBucks! This is a special Class of 2028 limited edition hooded zip up jacket. This can be worn Monday through Friday. Sale ends Friday, February 21 at 5 p.m.


Upcoming Spring Socials

10th Grade Spring Social

Friday, March 7 from 5 p.m.– 7 p.m.

Our Class of 2027 Council is hosting a 10th Grade Game Night! With the game format, we need 15- 20 parent volunteers. No cost except for those who want pizza.  Sign up to volunteer or donate food.

6th and 7th Grade Hollywood Dance

Saturday, March 8

Tickets go on sale Feb. 24  for $12 on MySchoolBucks or $20 at the door. Sign up to volunteer! Note the staggered entrance times:

  • Sixth grade: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • 7th grade: 7 p.m.– 9 p.m.

Save the dates:

9th Grade Water Wars: May 2

8th Grade Formal: May 17




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