District News Archive Fall 2024
District News Archive 2024-2025
Week of December 18, 2024
Reporting absences: reminder
RockSports spirit wear holiday sale ends Jan. 1
Public Service Announcement: safe storage of firearms
Opportunity to engage in Advocacy
Texas Public Charter School Association (TPCSA) invites Meridian families to join their mailing list to receive action alerts and other emails this upcoming legislative season. If interested, please subscribe to their emails here. To learn more about the upcoming session (which starts January 14) and charter school priorities, you can visit TPCSA’s site.
TPCSA is a statewide organization representing Texas charter schools and works closely with us to advocate for public charter schools and the thousands of students we educate.
Schedule reminder
Week of December 11, 2024
RockSports spirit wear holiday sale
Schedule reminder
Teacher Experiences Auction ends Friday!
Week of December 4, 2024
RockSports spirit wear holiday sale
Schedule Reminders: Wednesday, Dec. 18 and Thursday, Dec. 19
Wednesday, Dec. 18 is a full school day for all students to allow for secondary students to take exams. Primary pick up starts at 3:40 p.m. and secondary pick up starts at 4:10 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 19, there will be no Triple A after school. Students will need to be picked up during primary carline. This allows our Triple A staff to join the staff holiday party. Thank you!
The Teacher Experiences Auction is back!
Bid on one-of-a-kind experiences with Meridian faculty and staff during this online auction Dec.4-13! Build community and enjoy special time with your teachers outside of class. This special Meridian event is coming back for the first time since 2020, and funds raised support special campus projects.
In addition to teacher-led experiences like science experiments, game nights, and trips to the museum with your teachers, we have fun community opportunities like tickets to Kalahari and special gift baskets. See more!

Week of Nov. 20, 2024
RockSports spirit wear holiday sale
Roary’s Fall Break Scrapbook
Roary is finally done with his Fall Break scrapbook. He wants to thank everyone for including him on break. He hopes you enjoy looking at these memories over Thanksgiving break and wants to let you all know how grateful he is for his Meridian family! Take a look at Roary’s Fall Break memories.
2025-2026 Academic Calendar Approved
The Board approved the 2025-2026 Academic Calendar. You can find it here. It is also on the calendar page on the website.
Teacher Experiences Auction returns Dec. 4-13!
Week of Nov. 13, 2024
Meridian School Board Meeting and Public Hearing for FIRST
Donate to the Annual Fund!
Winter Uniform Exchange
Saturday, November 16 from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Stock up on pants, shirts, spirit wear, and outerwear -- all just $2 each! Join us in the Primary MPR – enter through the door facing the parking lot.
Order your Celebrate Black Culture spirit wear now!
Buy now! Honor the Past. Inspire the Future. with the Black Student Union’s new spirit wear! Shirts are available in long or short sleeves in youth and adult sizes. These are approved spirit wear and open to the entire community. The deadline to order is November 18 at noon.
Week of November 6, 2024
Week of November 6, 2024
Proposed Academic Calendar for 24-25 School Year
Next week, our board will vote on the 2025-2026 school calendar. Next year’s school calendar is very similar to this year. Here are calendar highlights for students:
- First day of school: Wednesday, August 6, 2025 (half day)
- Student four day weekends:
- August 29 - September 1 (Labor Day)
- February 13 - 16 (Valentine’s Day)
- April 3 - 6 (Easter weekend)
- Fall Break: October 6-13 – Students return to school on Tuesday, October 14
- Thanksgiving Break: November 24-28
- Winter Break: December 19 - January 5 – Students return to school on Tuesday, January 6
- Spring Break: March 16-20
- Last day of school: Thursday, May 21, 2026
As in the past, the calendar allows for two bad weather make-up days without canceling any holidays. Winter and Spring breaks are aligned with RRISD’s approved calendar. Questions? Please feel free to contact Karalei Nunn at [email protected].
Veterans Day appreciation
Thank you to our staff members and families who have served. We appreciate your service! Check out our Meridian Staff Veterans Day tribute slideshow. If you purchased a Meridian Veterans Day spirit wear shirt wear it Monday, November 11.
Eagle Scout project brings outdoor fun
Thank you to Eagle Scout Ravi V. for leading his troop on an extensive Eagle Scout project over fall break! The project was two-fold:
- Removing deteriorating bench seating on the primary playground
- Installing a gaga ball pit on the Mays building Welcome Wall lawn

On sale now: Celebrate Black Culture spirit wear
Buy now! Honor the Past. Inspire the Future. with the Black Student Union’s new spirit wear! Shirts are available in long or short sleeves in youth and adult sizes. These are approved spirit wear and open to the entire community. The deadline to order is November 13.
Week of October 30, 2024
Week of October 30, 2024
Fall Parent/Guardian Meeting recorded
Did you miss the Fall Parent/Guardian Meeting? No worries. Watch the recorded meeting here to get the latest information about plans for this school year. Want to review a specific slide? You can see slides here.
Donate now: 24-25 Annual Fund Campaign
Donate today! The Meridian Annual Fund keeps the school running so we can focus on our students. Contributions of any size make an impact, no matter the amount! For families who are able, we ask for a donation of $300 for each student. (That's just under $6 per week!)
Donate with the knowledge that it's going to make our school even more amazing for our students. Learn more about the Annual Fund and how you can help us reach our goal of $350,000!
On sale now: Celebrate Black Culture spirit wear
Buy now! Honor the Past. Inspire the Future. with the Black Student Union’s new spirit wear! Shirts are available in long or short sleeves in youth and adult sizes. These are approved spirit wear and open to the entire community. The deadline to order is November 13.
Early Voting happening now
Take advantage of Early Voting this election through Nov. 1 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (noon to 6 p.m. Sunday), you can cast your votes at these locations. Not sure what's on your ballot? Check out Vote411 for a sample ballot.
Fall picture retakes form deadline: Nov. 1
Fill out the retake form by Nov. 1 if your student would like to have their yearbook picture retaken on Tuesday, November 5. If your student was absent for picture day on August 26, or if you enrolled after this date, we will automatically pull your student for a photo. Questions? Email Sarah Whitley.
Week of October 23, 2024
Week of October 23, 2024
Save the date: Fall Parent/Guardian Meeting
Join us Tuesday, October 29 at 6 p.m. in the Mays Café for our Annual Fall Parent/Guardian meeting. Meridian administration will review plans for this school year. We look forward to seeing our families!
Trunk or Treat and Movie Night
Trunk or Treat and Movie Night is back on October 25! This event has become a school favorite and this year we will be showing Inside Out 2. New location: Trunk or Treat will be in the high school parking lot. The frontage road entrance to the high school lot will be closed.
6:30-7:30 p.m.: Trunk or Treat (wristbands required)
7:30 p.m.: Movie starts
This year ViP will be selling wristbands to make quick entry to the Trunk or Treat area. Wristbands are $5 per family and will be available for purchase at the event. Discover more ways to volunteer and become a part of the tradition.
Donate now: 24-25 Annual Fund Campaign
Donate today! The Meridian Annual Fund keeps the school running so we can focus on our students. Contributions of any size make an impact, no matter the amount, whether it's $25, $50 or more. For families who are able, we ask for a donation of $300 for each student. (That's just under $6 per week!)
Donate with the knowledge that it's going to make our school even more amazing for our students. Learn more about the Annual Fund and how you can help us reach our goal of $350,000! If we raise $100,000 by October 29 students will get a Halloween surprise.
Fall picture retakes and make up day
Do you or your student not like how their fall picture turned out? Read the instructions and fill out this form by November 1. Retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, November 5. If your student was absent for picture day on August 26, or if you enrolled after this date, we will automatically pull your child for a photo on November 5. Fall pictures will be used in the 24-25 yearbook. Questions? Email Sarah Whitley.
24-25 Yearbooks on sale now!
The 24-25 Yearbook is on sale now! Order by December 31 and get the discounted price of $65. You can personalize your yearbook for $7.50. If you order by October 25 you get up to four free icons! Order now to get these great deals.
Lock Down Drill week of Oct. 28
Meridian follows the Standard Response Protocol and completes safety drills each semester. Next week, we will call a Lock Down drill; learn what happens in a Lock Down directive. In an actual emergency, communications will be sent to parents/guardians via a text through Meridian’s texting service, “96064,” as well as the website, Pikmykid, email, and/or social media posts. During an actual emergency, do not attempt to come up to the school. Wait for school communications to learn which actions to take.
DECA the halls spirit wear sale

Meridian Mini Poll: Last chance to share your thoughts!
Each month, we share quick questions on one subject. Thanks to the families who filled out this month’s poll on your communications experience! There’s still time to add your input here.
Week of October 16, 2024
Week of October 16, 2024
Early Voting begins Oct. 21
Take advantage of Early Voting this election! Oct. 21 through Nov 1 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (noon to 6 p.m. Sunday), you can cast your votes at these locations. Not sure what's on your ballot? Check out Vote411 for a sample ballot.
Trunk or Treat and Movie Night
Trunk or Treat and Movie Night is back on October 25! This event has become a school favorite and this year we will be showing Inside Out 2.
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.: Trunk or Treat (wristbands required)
7:30 p.m.: Movie starts
This year ViP will be selling wristbands to make quick entry to the Trunk or Treat area. Wristbands are $5 per family. Buy your wristbands ahead of time and they will be delivered to the eldest participating students' classroom by Oct. 21.
It’s not too late to sign up to host a trunk! Student groups (9-12) are also welcome to host a trunk this year! Discover more ways to volunteer and become a part of the tradition. Check out last year’s pictures to see what makes this one of our favorite events.
Skyward: Updating contact information and emergency contacts
Action: Parents and guardians, please log into Skyward and verify/update your phone and email and update or add emergency contacts for your students.
- Click on Student Profile to update your contact information. The email and phone number listed is what the school will use to call you and send you important emails/text messages.
- Click on the Emergency Contacts tile to add or update your student’s emergency contact. This individual is not the parent/guardian. In the case of an emergency, the parent/guardian listed in Family Contacts will be notified first. If parents/guardians are not available, the school will reach out to the emergency contact.
Save the date: Fall Parent/Guardian Meeting
Join us Tuesday, October 29 at 6 p.m. in the Mays Café for our Annual Fall Parent/Guardian meeting. Meridian administration will review plans for this school year. We look forward to seeing our families!
DECA the halls spirit wear sale
For a limited time only, the students of DECA will be selling their holiday edition spirit wear. Buy your festive t-shirts now – spread some cheer and show your pride. Proceeds from t-shirt sales will directly benefit DECA Club.
Fall picture retakes and make up day
Do you or your student not like how their fall picture turned out? Read the instructions and fill out this form by November 1. Retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, November 5. If your student was absent for picture day on August 26, or if you enrolled after this date, we will automatically pull your child for a photo on November 5. Fall pictures will be used in the 24-25 yearbook. Questions? Email Sarah Whitley.
Keeping carline safe
Carline drivers: it's up to you to keep carline safe for our children, staff, and neighbors. There have been reports of at least three accidents in carline this year, both on and off school grounds. Please remember to pause, take a breath, and follow traffic laws.
- Do not cut through neighboring parking lots. It endangers their staff and is illegal.
- Take care on Mays, which is a busy through street with vehicles regularly driving over 40 miles per hour.
- Do not drop off students in surrounding businesses.
- Take Paloma during carline, not Jeffrey – it is faster and safer.
Meridian Mini Poll: Communications Edition
Each month, we share quick questions on one subject. Thanks to the families who filled out this month’s poll on your communications experience! There’s still time to add your input here.
Texas Public Charter School Association invite
Texas Public Charter School Association (TPCSA) invites Meridian families to join their mailing list to receive action alerts and other emails this upcoming legislative season. If interested, please subscribe to their emails here.
TPCSA is a statewide organization representing Texas charter schools and works closely with us to advocate for public charter schools and the thousands of students we educate.
Week of October 2, 2024
Week of October 2, 2024
Skyward: Updating contact information and emergency contacts
Action: Parent/guardians please log into Skyward and verify/update your contact information (phone and email) and update or add emergency contacts for your students.
Family contact updates: Click on Student Profile to update your contact information. The email and phone number listed is what the school will use to call you and send you important emails/text messages.
Emergency contacts: Click on the Emergency Contacts tile to add or update your student’s emergency contact. This individual is not the parent/guardian. In the case of an emergency the parent/guardian listed in Family Contacts will be notified first. If parents/guardians are not available the school will reach out to the emergency contact.
Medication consent form for over the counter meds
New this year: The Texas Board of Nursing requires families to provide the school with a doctor's order to administer over the counter medications as well as prescriptions. Read on for details and Medication Consent Forms.
Sale ends Oct. 4: Meridian Veterans Day spirit wear
Order your Veterans Day shirt now on MySchoolBucks! Students may wear their shirt on Veterans Day Monday, November 11 to show their appreciation for the brave adults who have served our country.
Shirts are also approved Friday spirit wear and made of performance material. Sales close October 4 at noon.
Save the date: Fall Parent/Guardian Meeting
Join us, Tuesday, October 29 at 6 p.m. in the Mays Café, for our Annual Fall Parent/Guardian meeting. Meridian administration will review plans for this school year. We look forward to seeing our families!
Get your School Directory today!
Did you know that Volunteers in Partnership sells a Family/School Directory? Purchase yours on MySchoolBucks for $5. You can then easily find contact information for parents/guardians in your child's class. Buy yours today; it can take up to 48 hours to activate your account. It’s great for birthday parties and playdates!
Roary wants to go on Fall Break too!
October 7-11

24-25 Yearbooks on sale now!
Order your 24-25 Yearbook by December 31. They’re $65 each. Personalization is $7.50; order by October 25 and get up to four free icons! Order here.
20 more presenters needed: Career and Volunteer Fair
We’d love to see our families representing a wide variety of career paths for students in grades 6-12 on Nov. 22. We still have 20 ope spots! Find out more and RSVP here!
Student initiative: Help reduce e-waste!
Impact Forward, a Secondary (6-12) student club, is leading an initiative to help reduce e-waste. Drop off old tech in the middle and high school lobbies until October 4.
Week of September 25, 2024
Week of September 25, 2024
Thank you: Founders Day
Thank you to everyone who helped make Founders Day such an amazing event! See some of the fun that was had.
Meridian Veterans Day performance spirit wear
Order your Veterans Day shirt now on MySchoolBucks! Students may wear their shirt on Veterans Day Monday, November 11 to show their appreciation for the brave men and women who have served our country.
They are approved spirit wear and open to the entire community. Shirts are made of performance material and available in youth and adult sizes. The deadline to order is October 4 at noon.
Medication consent form for over the counter meds
New this year: The Texas Board of Nursing requires families to provide the school with a doctor's order to administer over the counter medications as well as prescriptions. Read on for details and Medication Consent Forms.
We need you! Career Exploration and Volunteer Fair
You’re invited to present at the upcoming Career Exploration and Volunteer Fair! The Fair lasts from 9:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. and you’ll talk to students in grades 6-12! They have a wish list of career professionals they would like to talk to. We are looking for a wide variety of professionals, including plumbers, veterinarians, healthcare/science fields, accountants, and more. RSVP here!
24-25 Yearbooks on sale now!
The 24-25 Yearbook is on sale now! Order by December 31 and get the discounted price of $65. You can personalize your yearbook for $7.50. If you order by October 25 you get up to four free icons! Order now to get these great deals.
Student initiative alert: Help reduce e-waste!
Impact Forward, a Secondary (6-12) student club, is leading an initiative to help reduce e-waste. They have bins located in the middle and high school lobbies for our community to drop off old technology to be recycled. Items will be accepted until October 4. Read on to find out what can be dropped off.
Week of September 18, 2024
Week of September 18, 2024
Founders Day is only a few days away!
We can’t wait to see everyone this Saturday, September 21 at 2 p.m. as we kick off Homecoming Week with games, activities, music, and more! Read on to learn more about all the exciting activities and how to participate.
We need you! Career Exploration and Volunteer Fair
You’re invited to present at the upcoming Career Exploration and Volunteer Fair! The Fair lasts from 9:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. and you’ll talk to students in grades 6-12! They have a wish list of career professionals they would like to talk to. We are looking for a wide variety of professionals, including plumbers, veterinarians, healthcare/science fields, accountants, and more. RSVP here!
Parent-led WhatsApp community
Did you know Meridian families created a Meridian Community and grade level groups on WhatsApp? It’s a great resource for quick questions and is moderated by parents. While this isn’t an official Meridian social media account, and not administered by staff members, we are sharing this family-run communications tool! See all WhatsApp and Facebook community groups here.
Voter Registration Deadline Oct. 7
October 7 is the last day to register to vote for the November general election. If you haven’t already, you can register to vote and make your voice heard in every election. Here are three helpful links:
Check your registration status.
Update your voter registration online.
Meridian Mini Poll: Back to School Edition
Each month, we share quick questions on one subject. Thanks to the 250 families who filled out this month’s poll on your Back to school experience! There’s still time to add your input here.
Note from our Health Team
Please keep your student home if they are running a fever. Students must be fever/emesis/diarrhea free for 24+ hours without medications prior to returning to school. Meridian stays up to date with the CDC guidelines. CDC Respiratory Virus Prevention and CDC Preventing the Spread.
Students and staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19 or another respiratory virus may return to school once these measures have been met:
- They are 24+ hours fever-free (temp of 100𐩑 F or higher) without using fever-reducing medication
- Improved symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, etc.)
- You may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. Take added precaution over the next five days after you return, such as wearing a mask, social distancing, washing hands, etc.
As with any absence, report the absence in Skyward. You may contact your student’s teachers to pick up homework. Questions or concerns email [email protected].
Week of September 11, 2024
Week of September 11, 2024
Founders Day: Save the date and join the fun!
Are you eligible for Free and Reduced Meals?
With the continued cost of living increases nationwide, we encourage our families to see if they're eligible to participate in the free and reduced meals program at Meridian. The program is completely anonymous; there's nothing that identifies students who participate in the program to their peers. Students in the free and reduced meal program automatically get the option for a free breakfast every school day this year.
Applying is simple and can be done online. Learn more about the Free and Reduced Meals program and application process.
Skyward emergency contact information
Please log into Skyward and update your students' emergency contact information by clicking on the Emergency Contacts tile. Who should you list as an emergency contact? Emergency contacts should be non-parent/guardians that the school may contact when parents/guardians are not available.
Share with us: Holidays and Cultural Celebrations
Our Meridian World School community encompasses a vibrant array of cultures from around the world. We want to share the special holidays and cultural celebrations our families enjoy throughout the year, and we want to hear directly from you!
If you'd like to share a holiday(s) special to you, please fill out this form. We'll share quotes and photos from our family's responses throughout the year. Feel free to fill out this form more than once for multiple holidays!
Week of September 4, 2024
Week of September 4, 2024
Founders Day: Save the date and join the fun!
Founders Day is only a couple weeks away! Join us on Saturday, September 21 at 2 p.m. as we kick off Homecoming Week with games, activities, music, and more! Read on to learn more about all the exciting activities and how to participate.
Less than 1 min read
Classical Indian Music Concert: tonight!
Today, September 4 from 7-8 p.m.
Didn’t buy your ticket yet? No worries; online ticket sales will close at 5 p.m. after that you can buy them at the door. Tonight’s concert is a unique opportunity to experience a performance by world-renowned Sarod maestro Dr. Rajeeb Chakraborty, who is on tour in the United States from India. Dr. Chakraborty is generously donating all concert proceeds to Meridian. Learn more about the concert.
Less than 1 min read
3rd Annual Meridian Skate Night at Playland
ViP invites you to come on out to skate the night away on Friday, September 6 from 5-10 p.m. Mention that you're there with Meridian when you pay! $5 per paying skater will be donated back for Teacher Grants. Read on for pricing and details. This is not an official school-sponsored event.
Less than 1 min read
Skyward emergency contact information
Please log into Skyward and update your students' emergency contact information by clicking on the Emergency Contacts tile. Who should you list as an emergency contact? Emergency contacts should be non-parent/guardians that the school may contact when parents/guardians are not available.
Gifts and favors for Meridian Faculty and Staff
The beginning of the school year is a good time to remind our Meridian community that our faculty and staff are not permitted to receive gifts valued at more than $50. This school policy is in place to ensure that gift giving is kept to a reasonable level and to ensure that our faculty and staff never feel improperly influenced by gifts from our generous families. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact your principal.
Shelter Drill
Meridian follows the Standard Response Protocol and completes safety drills each semester. This week we called a Shelter drill; learn what happens in a Shelter drill.
In an emergency, communications will be sent to parents/guardians via a text through “96064,” website, Pikmykid, email, and/or social media posts. During an actual emergency, do not attempt to come up to the school. Wait for school communications to learn what actions to take.
Week of August 28, 2024
Week of August 28, 2024
Reminder: Four Day weekend for students
There will be no school for students on Friday, Aug. 30 and Monday, Sept. 2. Friday is a staff workday. Enjoy the long Labor Day weekend!
Classical Indian Music Concert: tickets on sale now!
Wednesday, September 4 from 7-8 p.m.
Seating is limited, buy your tickets now for a unique opportunity to experience a performance by world-renowned Sarod maestro Dr. Rajeeb Chakraborty, who is on tour in the United States from India. Dr. Chakraborty is generously donating all concert proceeds to Meridian. Learn more about the concert.
Less than 1 min read
Meridian Labor Day Classic Volleyball Tournament
Friday, August 30: 3-9 p.m. and Saturday, August 31: 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
Calling all lions! Come cheer for all six of the Meridian Volleyball teams at the Round Rock Sports Center! The Labor Day Classic is Meridian’s oldest and biggest Athletics tradition! Roar, Lions, roar! Learn more about this event.
Less than 1 min read
3rd Annual Meridian Skate Night at Playland
ViP invites you to come on out to skate the night away on Friday, September 6 from 5-10 p.m. Mention that you're there with Meridian when you pay! $5 per paying skater will be donated back for Teacher Grants. Read on for pricing and details. This is not an official school-sponsored event.
Less than 1 min read
Founders Day is coming soon!
Meridian’s 2nd Annual Founders Day is on Saturday, September 21 at 2 p.m. Founders Day celebrates our school community and kicks off Homecoming Week! This fun event can’t happen without our volunteers, sign up now! Read on to learn more about all the exciting activities and how to participate.
Less than 1 min read
Public Service Announcement: safe storage of firearms
Texas law requires school districts annually to distribute information to parents and guardians about the safe storage of firearms. This page will help you learn about options for, as well as how to talk to your child and others about, the safe storage of firearms.
Less than 1 min read
Week of August 21, 2024
Week of August 21, 2024
Meridian Spirit Night at Chuy’s
Join ViP at Chuy's Round Rock, Tuesday, August 27 from 4-9:30 p.m., for their first Spirit Night of the school year! Don't miss out, come hang out and get your picture taken with Roary from 5-6 p.m.
Chuy's will donate back 10% of all Meridian food sales. Let your server know you're there for Meridian by showing our flyer on your phone, or order online using code MERIDIANWORLD. All donations made by Chuy's go to ViP Teacher Grants.
Meridian Advisory Council
Are you interested in sharing feedback and ideas on topics like community engagement, development, sustainability? Each year, Meridian invites families to join the Advisory Council, where individual committees meet 2-4 times throughout the year to engage in conversations to help move our school forward. This year, we’re opening Advisory Council applications earlier so that committees can begin meeting in late September. If you’re interested, please apply by Friday, August 23!
Action required: 24-25 Permissions
If you haven’t done so last week, please take a minute to fill out the 24-25 Permissions/Agreements Questionnaire in Skyward before Friday by clicking on the tile under your student’s profile.
Meridian wifi disruptions and updates
We are aware that there have been disruptions to wifi access on campus. We have been working on updating and improving the network and want to assure families that we are resolving these issues as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Classical Indian Music Concert: tickets on sale now!
Renowned Sarod maestro Dr. Rajeeb Chakraborty will enchant you with a captivating performance on Wednesday, September 4 from 7-8 p.m. in the Black Box Theatre. Experience the soulful melodies and intricate rhythms of this timeless art form. Don't miss this extraordinary musical journey! Dr. Chakraborty is generously donating all concert proceeds to Meridian. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Buy your tickets now on MySchoolBucks: Adults - $15 and Children (5+) - $5. Free for under 5.
Save the date: Founders Day
Meridian’s 2nd Annual Founders Day is on Saturday, September 21 at 2 p.m. Founders Day celebrates our school community and kicks off Homecoming Week! Read on to learn more about all the exciting activities and how to participate.
Meridian Spirit Wear Store is restocked!
The RockSport Meridian Spirit Wear Store has been restocked! Check out available styles and prices. Prices subject to change.
MySchoolBucks Family Pass
MySchoolBucks (MSB) recently emailed families about a new membership program titled MSB Family Pass. This is an optional program offered by MySchoolBucks. This new program isn’t mandatory and it is not a Meridian-requested membership offering.
Hold and Secure Drills
Meridian follows the Standard Response Protocol and completes safety drills each semester. We called a Hold drill on Tuesday and will have a Secure drill later this week. Learn what happens in a Hold and learn what happens in a Secure.
In an emergency, communications will be sent to parents/guardians via a text through “96064,” website, Pikmykid, email, and/or social media posts. During an actual emergency, do not attempt to come up to the school. Wait for school communications to learn what actions to take.
Week of August 14, 2024
Week of August 14, 2024
Action required: 24-25 Permissions/Agreements
Our 24-25 Permissions/Agreements Questionnaire is available to complete in Skyward. Some of you may have already completed this. Unfortunately due to an error in data collection we are asking all families to complete a new questionnaire in Skyward.
Simply log into your Skyward account and click on the Permissions/Agreements Questionnaire tile in your student’s profile. Please complete one for each student by Friday, August 23. Read on for details.
Less than 1 min action
Don’t forget about Early Green Lane
Need to drop the kids off early? Early Green Lane is a convenient early carline option for grades 3 and higher. Read on for how it works.
1 min read
Meridian Advisory Council
Are you interested in sharing feedback and ideas on topics like community engagement, development, sustainability? Each year, Meridian invites families to join the Advisory Council, where individual committees meet 2-4 times throughout the year to engage in conversations to help move our school forward. This year, we’re opening Advisory Council applications earlier so that committees can begin meeting in late September. If you’re interested in applying to join a committee, please apply by Friday, August 23!
Less than 1 min action
Fire Evacuation Drill
Meridian follows the Standard Response Protocol and completes safety drills each semester. This week, we will call a Fire Evacuation drill; learn what happens in a Fire Evacuation directive. In an actual emergency, communications will be sent to parents/guardians via a text through “96064,” website, Pikmykid, email, and/or social media posts. During an actual emergency, do not attempt to come up to the school. Wait for school communications to learn what actions to take.
Less than 1 min read
Online: Free and Reduced Meal Application
The Free and Reduced Meal Application can now be filled out online! Read on to learn more about the National School Lunch Program and online application process.
1 min read
Family Fun Bingo Night!
Saturday, August 17
Join ViP in the Mays Café for an old fashioned night of family bingo! Read on for times and how to buy your bingo cards.
Less than 1 min read
Week of August 8, 2024
Week of August 8, 2024
Carline Reminders
Our morning and afternoon carlines have run amazingly smooth for the first week of school. Thank you for being patient with the process.
- Please help us be good neighbors: don’t block entrances to businesses or park in business parking lots.
- Don’t forget to learn which carline to take (and how to get there from Mays) for both morning and afternoon carlines.
- Number parking spots are reserved for staff and student drivers. Can’t find a place to park? Check out our parking map.
- Making a right turn into Meridian using the Mays southbound through lane is illegal. Only use the turn lane. We are not police officers, but the police are very nearby!

Welcome from Meridian Founder & CEO
Welcome back to a very special year at Meridian! Read more, from Karalei Nunn.
Online: Free and Reduced Meal Application
The Free and Reduced Meal Application can now be filled out online! Read on to learn more about the National School Lunch Program and online application process.
Report absences via Skyward
Learn how to submit an absence through Skyward in our new process.
Family Fun Bingo Night!
Saturday, August 17: Join ViP in the Mays Café for an old fashioned night of family bingo! Read on for times and how to buy your bingo cards.
Week of August 1, 2024
Week of August 1, 2024
Now online: Free and Reduced Meal Application
The Free and Reduced Meal Application can now be filled out online! Read on to learn more about the National School Lunch Program and online application process.New: Skyward attendance feature

- Log into Skyward and click on your student’s Attendance tile.
- Click on the green + Add Absence Request to the right side of the Absence Request tab.
- Complete the Absence Request Details.
- Click save in the upper left corner of the request and you’re done.